It's a great fun show that doesn't take itself too seriously. I enjoy the characters and running gags like whenever Carter embarks on a long-winded very technical scientific explanation, O'Neil always cuts her short; O'Neil's standard response of 'Aaw..crap' whenever things go wrong and Tealc's 'Indeed' lines.
There is an episode where, yet again, they emerge into a lush Canadian forest and O'Neil says ' green is the universe?'

. The episode where Tealc & O'Neil are the only ones aware they are in a time-loop like Groundhog Day is hilarious. And one episodes sees Daniel in central america which is obviously a Canadian forest with the wrong plant species for the tropics, although the set dresser added a few banana plants etc in hidden pots to make it look 'exotic'

Also worth waiting for are the 100th & 200th anniversary shows (yep, they went over 200!) with their own parody 'Wormhole Xtreme' and reverential gags about the original Stargate movie & Star Trek.
I enjoyed SG1 and it's worth sticking with the spin-off
Stargate:Atlantis. Forget
Stargate: Universe though, it was boring & got cancelled.
Remember, Dr who & Blakes 7 faced their deadly enemies in a gravel pit

. I understand that the quarry used for Magrathea in the HHGTTG is actually now the Eden Project.