What Low Level Risks Should be Considered Whilst Cycling - Advice for Others Please!

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Legendary Member
Gated roads are perfectly safe ,It's the bloody gates that are dangerous !!!!:B)
You forget the massive favour I did you by hitting it before you could

I mitigated my risk by staying behind you.^_^


I once got hit on the leg by a pigeon dropping out of the sky with a broken neck. Whether it had been dropped by a bird of prey or garotted itself taking off and hitting a power line who knows?
A guy on a motorcycle going the other way saw the incident and stopped. We stared at the poor thing twitching its last for a while then I nominated him to shift it to the verge on account of the fact that his gloves were more substantial than mine.

Deleted member 1258

Gated roads. I will say no more in fear of feeling the wrath from @13 rider :whistle:

gated roads, you've reminded me, a gated road many years ago, with a cattle grid, one of the cross pieces on the cattle grid was missing and had been replaced with a fence post tied in place with twine.

Deleted member 1258

While I'm thinking about it, free range sheep, the road past St Giles church riding into Chesterton from the private farm road, there's no fences down that road and the sheep are as likely to be on the road as they are likely to be on the grass.


Started young, and still going.
Sunburn. On the days we get a sunny day, don't forget the factor 50, particularly on the ears. They are very painful when burnt. :ohmy:


Have a nice ride.
Loose leaves on moist trails. I thought my mountain bike's fat tires could hold to any ground, and I suppose they could, but wet leaves under great tires DON'T stick to other slippery leaves under them. Zipping around a not-even-sharp curve and all of a sudden, Zooop! I’m laying under my bike looking up at the trees! :wacko: Lesson learned.


Have a nice ride.
Also, deer shooting across trails on protected grounds, the kind where no hunting is allowed (I’m talking about trails relatively close to human populations). I had a momma deer bolt across the trail only @ 1m in front of me. By the time my gaping mouth closed, I was past her and didn’t even have time to use my brakes. She then nonchalantly grazed for food close to the other side of the trail.


Falling leafs of the spikey variety, there I was cycling along a narrow lane in June last year when I got stabbed in a finger by such. Took around a week to finally extract the buried bit.


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Tram lines just after traffic lights, taken too acutely causing an embarrassing, extremely slow but actually very bloody accident that only a Mars Bar can mitigate.

Also, kerbs taken too acutely that rips a hole in your brand new £200 water resistant Castelli long bibs while school children laugh at you.

Lesson to learn: take tramlines and kerbs as head on as possible!

I specialise in very public 5mph accidents.
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