What Low Level Risks Should be Considered Whilst Cycling - Advice for Others Please!

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
I apologise if this seems a really stupid question to some possibly but as someone who uses a bike for everyday transport, why do people put a bike in a car to go for a ride?

Fresh roads . They want to ride in some fresh scenery but it’s too far for them to cycle from home.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
I was gritted twice, this evening.

Deer and owls seem to be my thing, on rides. Owls are quite soft as they whizz silently past, really close, and a wingtip goes across your nose. Deer are thick, wait until you are right by them, then leap out in front of you. Possibly in league with squirrels.

Badgers 🦡 at night as well if you are mtn biking near their sett.

Juan Kog

permanently grumpy
I apologise if this seems a really stupid question to some possibly but as someone who uses a bike for everyday transport, why do people put a bike in a car to go for a ride?
Doing the Fred Whitton from my door might be a bit of a stretch...
I understand why those taking part in events a longer distance from home will resort to car or train . But when I started using a different route into town for the club run start , I was very surprised by the amount of club members taking their bikes out of their cars. I realise some cyclists regard cycling as purely exercise or a sport and would be quite shocked that some see it as a viable form of transport.
A few of years ago I was on a longish ride on my ebike - which was low power pre 2016 spec

I was at about my turning round point, so I went left off the canal path and headed for the road - which went past a car park for a local pub

a bloke in the car park was just loading his mountain bike type thing onto a rack on his 2.0 diesel Mondeo
As I passed he shouted "That''s Cheating"


I started at home - rode out to here - and am now going back home - OK - on partial electric power but mostly pedal power in those days


I'M Cheating as I have 180W of pedal assist
but you're not cheating with your 2.0 litre Diesel engine

same applies to people who 'stay local' by driving quite a few miles to a 'nice place' in order to go for a ride

thsi is not in the spirit of things - the point is to stay away from people from different area - so if you drive to a car park and there are a lot of other cars there - that is not local - because there is a good chance tha a lot of other cars are from other places.

At the moment - stick with the concept - leave from home and finish from home
or - if that is unreasonable - drive somewhere very near and unpopulated - and start and finish from there

if you are thinking - BUT I WANT TO GO TO XXXXXX - IT IS PRETTIER
then you are the problem - ride the local roads until this is all over - keep the virus away from other people and keep yourself away from other people

after this is over - I'll see you on the nice paths
until then - I wave at you as we pass on opposite of the local roads - if you live near here

for those those that do this

thank you for keeping my wife alive
funerals are a real pain to organise

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Wasps up your shorts. Watch out for the critters getting in.


I got bitten by dogs on three occasions.

A goose tried to attack me.

A small bird hit me on the cheek at speed and left a bruise.

A wasp got trapped behind my glasses and stung me on the eyelid which swole up.

Any time I leave my bike against a hedge a horse seems to materialise from nowhere and try to eat my Carradice saddle bag.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
A wasp got trapped behind my glasses and stung me on the eyelid which swole up.

Funny you say that. Only on this mornings cycle commute. Wasp, bee or other loud buzzy creature got stuck behind one of the arms of my glasses. Mild panic took hold as I had to quickly get rid of the critter.


Macho Business Donkey Wrestler
Oh I love this thread! I'm glad it's been resurrected by Emperor Ming. I actually don't have many to add, I must have had a charmed life.

Wasp or bee sting (not sure which) on the arm and torso.
Propositioned for sex by a man at a bus stop while fixing puncture.
Completely running out of patches and glue on a filthy wet day and limping home deflated.
Shouted at by very angry drunk man after my dislodged / fallen front light startled him.

They're about my most unusual. The drunk man was funny, I think he shat himself and his reaction was to fight the thing that had made him jump.

Once a Wheeler

…always a wheeler
  • Dog attack: keep riding, bash it with your pump, wash the blood off your spokes when clear of the incident.
  • If you use tyres with covers and inner tubes, carry a 10cm section of cover with you. Place it inside the fitted cover when afflicted with an almighty gash, and it should get your home. Obviously requires a spare inner or sheets of inner-tube patching as well.
  • A golden oldie this: if a cotter works loose on the road and cannot be tightened with a few turns of the nut, break off a section of the brass electrical contact on your antique Ever Ready battery:
    and slide it on top of the flat of the cotter pin. Tap in and tighten. On tour, this once served me well for a week. If well-judged, enough of the contact is left to ensure the light works.
  • In deepest winter, wear something with a big inside pocket. When the contents of your bottle freezes, put bottle in pocket.


Kilometre nibbler
Oh I love this thread! I'm glad it's been resurrected by Emperor Ming. I actually don't have many to add, I must have had a charmed life.

Wasp or bee sting (not sure which) on the arm and torso.
Propositioned for sex by a man at a bus stop while fixing puncture.
Completely running out of patches and glue on a filthy wet day and limping home deflated.
Shouted at by very angry drunk man after my dislodged / fallen front light startled him.

They're about my most unusual. The drunk man was funny, I think he shat himself and his reaction was to fight the thing that had made him jump.
On Friday Night Rides drunks are a significant problem. Riders have had chips thrown at them, and drunk lads love running out into the road to push riders off their bikes. I've twice been subject to this but have managed to avoid them, but I have seen a rider brought down by a drunk. That's just in my experience, I'm sure there are other war stories.

Last week's FNRttC was very unusual in that the drunks were all good natured, probably due to lockdown ending.
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