What is the point????

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Yeah, but...

Must admit I didn't find the 5:2 difficult. What stopped me (temporarily) was my lack of imagination/effort in finding 4/5 meals a day not totalling more than the advised amount of calories.

Therefore the OP should try try and try again. :tongue:


I can`t get below 12st 10 to save my life, I want to get to 12 st and at 5`11 it isn`t unreasonable to expect, pisses me off to be truthful!!:evil:


Well-Known Member
Just my 2p.
I used to be all about max calorie burning. The more you work, the harder you work, the more calories you burn, the more fat you'll get through, end of story.
I read more recently about the key to burning fat is that you need oxygen to metabolise it - and therefore this stuff that I personally never use to believe about "fat-burning zone" sounds more logical: I've read that you burn 1/3 each of carb, fat and protein as energy sources until you reach around 80-85% of MHR when your oxygen supply starts to drop off and you stop burning fat.
For 1g of each energy source, you have (as an approximate starting point) 4calories each for protein and carbs, and 9calories for fat.
Therefore, going on rides where you can keep your HR down out of the red, and breathe well (not hyperventilate, just don't shallow breathe) means you give yourself the highest chance of burning fat. Take carbs and protein with you (to stop the muscles being broken down to be used as an energy source) for energy and you give your body the best chance of being able to utilise fat stores in your body. As said, if you work hard and under-eat you'll bonk and eat everything in site. And lastly, I've been reading more and more about sleep too, Dave Brailsford amongst them so it must be fairly relevant to cycling.
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