I have been trying over the last few months to lose the "half a stone of spare tyre" around my middle regions.
Now, in the last two months, I have doubled my weekly milage from 150ish to 300 ish, cut out all the crap that I eat, and have been counting calories like there is no tomorrow. Even though I am doing a half century every day and a longer ride at weekends, I am still trying to do it within the 2500 cal limit per day for a bloke.
For the last 3 weeks I have even been doing (very hard as it is) the 5:2 diet, just to compliment the regime.
I got on the scales this morning to find I am nearly half a stone UUUUPPPPP

I really do wonder what all the effort is for, and why I bother
And.............if anybody else says to me, "well muscle weighs more than fat" you will get a right royal gobfull.........
Please tell me why I bother people?????
I have been in a foul mood all day today because of this