Corn Fed Hick...
- Location
- ...on the slake
Finished instaling the garden security lights and a rack on my old mtb.
Garden security lights on a MTB?

Finished instaling the garden security lights and a rack on my old mtb.
The difference a spacer makes???
But there was one clue. Never before had I shifted to top gear and had the chain come off the outside of the cassette...? Decided to take the cassette off and remembered that when I'd taken off the old SRAM cassette there was an extra spacer that wasn't with the new cassette, but that must have been on the old one. Could this be the problemo? I searched frantically for it, found it and sorted it. Seem's fine now, but what a pavlova over a few mms.
I feel quite smug but I still hate quick links.
All that - and still time for pudding? Delia
What a palaver!