What Have You Fettled Today?

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Quickly swapped over the old Torpedo 3 speed shifter for a later Brompton “Rabbits Ears” version as the Torpedo was struggling to select 2nd gear.

Anyway, apart from struggling to remove a 23 year old foam grip, which came off eventually, it was a very straightforward job and one that has made a huge difference, also makes it feel a bit more modern.


Senior Member
Put the front brake lever of the Romped On onto the left hand side of the handlebar, because the previous owner had to have both brake levers on the right hand side due to physical restrictions.
Attached the mounting block and switched pedals from the folding ones to PD-M505.



Devotee of OCD
Rear wheel out. Tyre, tube, liner and rim tape off.

Ready to have 4 nipples replaced. At a minimum. I had 1 or 2 (?) break a few rides ago on this bike. Then Saturday (Riding off road) 4 broke !

So will see if the LBS can replace the lot. Wheels are 10+ years old and the Aluminium nipples have clearly had enough of this World. If and when I have one go on the front wheel - I’ll then do the same….



Über Member
I took the creaky seatpost out of the Marlin 7 at the weekend for a greasing and thought it best to clean up the stiff quick release seat clamp as well. It was getting a bit crunchy and turned out to be full of dried crap. Cleaned, greased and back together the clamp is working more smoothly but I've yet to do a test ride to check if the post is slipping down silently or staying put and creaking.
The two 'ferrules' on the right are what I cut off the ends of the bars after a few short trial and error rides moving the grips inboard to various positions last week. I cut 30mm off each end eventually, making the bars 660mm wide now rather than the previous 720mm which despite not sounding much, does feel a lot better. I always have a ring of tape about a fingers width up from where the seatpost goes into the frame so I can see if there is any slippage. Sad, I know, but that's the way I roll :blush:



Finished the Brompton this afternoon, got lucky and found a correct chain guard at work as they are no longer available.


Took it for test ride and it’s really nice, no creaks or rattles, everything is nice and tight. But I’ve decided to sell it as I’ve got another project on the go and although part of me would like to keep it, I really don’t need a second Brompton.

Since the photo was taken I’ve removed the seat and cleaned the post and sleeve with alcohol plus adjusted the seat in a slightly better position.

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Über Member
Giant XtC4 stripped down for a refurb. It needed a good wash and t-cut / polish. I'm going to fit a new rear gear cable as the end of the old one was like Worzel Gummage's hair. I'll clean and re-grease the wheel cones too. The major task is to flush the brake fluid and replace it, something I've never done before. I've part flushed car brakes after putting new flexi-hoses on but I've never done the full job on a bike. Just need a bleed kit and some fluid. The old fluid must be contaminated with water as the brakes tend to lock on in warm weather if the adjusters aren't fully wound off.



As long as I breathe, I attack.
New inner tube as one had decided to explode whilst sitting in the shed , i did get some conti race light inner tubes a while back and although they are really light they are a bit fragile and this is the second one to just pop of its own accord so i shall not be buying them again .
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