What Have You Fettled Today?

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Legendary Member
Flaps made and fitted today and a good clean.


Plenty of green bucket left over, seems like ideal material so far. Send an SAE if you'd like some?

Think the back one might need to be longer?


Been and ordered a longer seatpost.I am not happy with the short one on the Spesh Secteur Elite.A little too near the joint.


Legendary Member
^ that reminds me. Nearly killed my stand by having the top section too far out and it needing catching, with bike still attached. Killed a chain whip too.
Bought two new tyres from Wiggle Conti Reflex City Rides (32C), moved the old Conti Contact (37mm) from the front to the rear and put one of the new tyres on the front and kept the other new tyre for a spare. I also put one small dab of vulcanising solution in a hole in the contact, the source of last Thu's unscheduled deflation, if it proves to be unsuccessful and source of regular p'tures it too will be replaced.


Cycling is fun ...
Half way through fitting a mtb chainset on my tourer for next week . The dérailleur adjustment is driving me nuts

Is this the start of your Highland tour? Have fun! And remember to take lots of photos to post on CC :tongue:

Back on topic ... My own fettling today was to pump up the tyres after neglecting the bike for 2 weeks, while away on holiday ...



Bionic Subsonic
Is this the start of your Highland tour? Have fun! And remember to take lots of photos to post on CC :tongue:


Yep :biggrin:

I arrive in Oban on Tuesday and head back from Edinburgh a week on Friday. Looking at the forecast it could be a bit
, but it should be really fun.

I've got two cameras with me so piccys I should have :smile:


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Got the new 'winter' Carrera Virtuoso set up properly for use. Just need to adjust the front derailleur and back brake cable and its' ready to go. Albeit with red clip-on MTB mudguards since it doesn't come with holes for normal ones.

A road bike with big MTB mudguards to keep off the wet on my winter commutes :rolleyes:


im a little tea pot
over the weekend ive replaced front and rear pads, adjusted front mech, fitted new lights (now have 2 front ones on! lol) and gave the bike a long overdue clean! have noticed that my front forks are rusting where they join the stem (just over a year old!!!) and paint is worn down in places but the dirt was hiding them!!
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