What film did you watch last night?

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I have NO DOUBT this is a terrible film; but it's a very funny premise!

I wonder what sequels await: "When Pinatas Attack"? ...
It was that bad that I can't even remember if it ended in a way that sets it up for a sequel, and I only watched it two days ago. 😂
Killer Piñata

The title pretty much explains it, a very low budget horror on Prime where a bloke falls into the shredder at a piñata factory, and his blood and soul find their way into the mix.

It just about falls the right side of the line to make it so bad that it's good.
A story as old as time...
I watched Deluge a film credited as one of the very first disaster movies with a post apocalyptic theme. I saw it mention on a website and found it on youtube so watched it. It's pretty cheesy (which I like) with some surprisingly well done effects really for the time. I think it's the same effects person as Things to Come and the man who could work miracles. The effects are better than the film deserves I feel. The racist and sexist overtones to the movie are so ridiculous its funny. Getting close to 100 years old now and definitely feels like an early talky as it has a sort of silent feel to it. I feel like the script was written as a silent movie, not much of the dialogue is actually needed everything is mostly self-explanatory.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6d35Got0OKQ


Hanna - one of those teen girl assassin movies there was a brief vogue for a decade or something back...quite enjoyed it tho' it was total rubbish, and she was about as convincing an assassin as Minnie Mouse. Tom Hollander played about the least threatening baddy ever recorded on film - camp as a field full of tents.
The Father, with Anthony Hopkins and Olivia Colman. Great film, but certainly not a feelgood film, that certainly had me thinking, both about the plot and the problems that will affect a lot of us. :sad:

My uncle died with dementia a couple of years back and, like the father in the title, he was fixated on the imagined theft of his watch by family members.
Hanna - one of those teen girl assassin movies there was a brief vogue for a decade or something back...quite enjoyed it tho' it was total rubbish, and she was about as convincing an assassin as Minnie Mouse. Tom Hollander played about the least threatening baddy ever recorded on film - camp as a field full of tents.
My favourite character was the boy Mikes (Aldo Maland). The mother played by Olivia Williams deserved a punch for being so pretentious. Brilliant array of minor parts.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
My favourite character was the boy Mikes (Aldo Maland). The mother played by Olivia Williams deserved a punch for being so pretentious. Brilliant array of minor parts.
She was brilliant tho... I don't need lipstick, my lips have a natural rouge.

The worst thing about Hanna is every single one of Eric Banna's fight scenes... poorly rehearsed and clearly choreographed, truly awful.

Otherwise i think it's a great film.


Ãœber Member
Four Brothers - my fav ghetto movie. Silly, over the top, great soundtrack, chilly Detroit and Mark Whalberg playing himself. 5/5
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