What film did you watch last night?

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John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Just a quick word for everyone. It's now accepted internet lore that ALL films receive 6/10 regardless of what you thought of it. Then you can expand around the score you've given it as anyone's personal rating is just that - personal and almost always at variance with anyone Elsie's opinion.
"If you like films like this, then you will like this film. 7/10"


Legendary Member
Killer Elite. Good weapons drills, a spot of krav maga, and a smattering of DeNiro. These are all good things.


Legendary Member
Killer Elite. Good weapons drills, a spot of krav maga, and a smattering of DeNiro. These are all good things.
If you liked the film, you'll LOVE the book it's based on. That's 'The Feather Men' by Rannolf (sp) Fiennes and is a cracking read.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Really undecided on Tarantino, this is almost just a Western remake of Reservoir Dogs as was Inglorias Barsterds a WWII version of the same. Formulaic, same old, same narcissistic little self references everywhere. But there again, this is also the point of Tarantino and you cant help but be impressed by the subtle references to other Westerns he sticks all over the place. The man clearly knows his films.
That's just the thing, isn't it? I thought Django Unchained was pretty good, but all the way through I was aware of better westerns I could be watching that don't keep banging me over the head with how clever they are.


North Shields
I started watching London Has Fallen, but gave up after about 20 minutes. Too implausible for my taste, and I was really, really struggling to hear the dialogue. I honestly considered putting the subtitles on, to be able to understand what was happening. Then, in a big shootout, just about every emergency service worker was in fact a terrorist, and at that point I was out..........
I went for a walk instead.

I think they tried to go too "big" if that makes sense. Olympus was implausible enough, but to try and do the same thing in a massive city was just ridiculous. Also had some of the worst CGI explosions I've ever seen.


North Shields
Fury - 4/10

Hollywood does WW2 again. But with tanks! Lower on realism than U571 but has some neat action sequences (until the last battle which is just silly). Brad Pitt's character is a ludicrous pastiche of an army tough guy too.


Legendary Member
Venus in Fur - an interesting illustration of how you can actually make a gripping and compelling film from just two actors and one small set if the script is good enough. Probably would have been even more enjoyable to someone who could watch it without subtitles. A good solid 7/10.


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Good film set in Northern Ireland on New Years Eve.

Four twentysomethings lives collide in a night of intrigue.

Available on the BBC iPlayer.


Legendary Member
"The Revenant" - implausible rubbish. 2hr40 of crawling through the snow, eating stuff, getting wet, eating more stuff, avoiding death, copying bits from other films (I'm looking at you Empire Strikes Back), surviving again and then having a sleep. Complete and utter waste of time. 1/10 (and only gets the 1 because of the bear)


Legendary Member
"The Revenant" - implausible rubbish. 2hr40 of crawling through the snow, eating stuff, getting wet, eating more stuff, avoiding death, copying bits from other films (I'm looking at you Empire Strikes Back), surviving again and then having a sleep. Complete and utter waste of time. 1/10 (and only gets the 1 because of the bear)
Film of the year, without question - a brilliant evocation of a time & place hosting a compelling, driven storyline, all centred on one of the best central performances ever filmed. I agree about the bear though - very good bear.


Legendary Member
The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) Leonardo diCaprio....finally got to see this film, it was good but I found it a bit repetitive and never really went anywhere in the end..... good but 6.5/10

I too watched it on the telly last night and agree with your review and score. De Caprio was great and the overall portrayal of the excess and lack of any principle was great. Loved the driving home off-his-head twist. That said I'd it was overlong and could have had a bit more on the actual scams they were pulling as the money did seem a bit too easy. Yep 6.5
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