What film did you watch last night?

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Itching to get back on my bike's
A family trip to the pictures last night to see " The magical beasts and where to find them " very good film imho and i managed to stay awake during it .

I would presume this will have a few more films following on as per norm


Lovely stuff
That London
Arrival. Intelligent, alien contact sci-fi. 9/10
Your Name. Beautifully realised Japanese body swap anime. 10/10


Über Member
Watched most of Legend (the Kray film with Tom Hardy) whilst on the turbo, battery ran out on my phone and turbo session finished before I watched it all but will dedinatley give it a full watch at some point, night not be as good when I'm fully concentrating on it though.

Also last night watched most of a film about a ship wreck/coast guard rescue with Chris Pine in it, can't remember what it was called but it was very poorly filmed and directed, visual effects were clearly green screen (standing perfectly still in a small rescue boat when it is apparently being thrown about in the worst storm ever!!!!) and the actors seemed to state the obvious a lot.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
The other night I watched The Greasy Strangler. It wasn't my idea. Completely daft, deliberately B grade with a minimal special effects & costume budget... which explains the lack of a crotch covering on the old man's disco suit. It wasn't terrible, but I have banned the friend who brought the DVD round from bringing any more films.


North Shields
Fantastic Beasts - 5/10

Very odd film as it is aimed at kids but features none. There isn't really a plot and the last half hour goes all weird and political. The CGI is very good, but it's a muddled film that lacks any real focus.
The Bourne Legacy - I missed the first 10-15 minutes and it took me half an hour to realise that Matt Damon (as Jason Bourne) wasn't in it. However it turned into an exciting drama, with a very good performance by Jeremy Renner, as the protagonist.



Flim Flormally
Frantz. A Franco-German film of love, death, guilt, reconciliation, forgiveness and, perhaps, hope but not redemption. Set in the aftermath of WWI and a timely metaphor for our days. Not to everyone's taste but one of this year's better films (certainly better than Elle, France's entry for the Oscars).

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8nIZqh2854


Über Member
Sully, Tom Hanks plays a pilot that landed a plane on the Hudson River and saved all the passengers after a bird strike took out both engines.
Based on a true story , I think Tom Hanks is one of those actors that just plays every role so well that you watch for his skill rather than the story, the only film I started to watch of his was Angels and Demons.... or was it the sequal.... either way I found that even Hanks couldn't salvage that story so I gave up on it.
Sully , however, was very interesting even though it seemed quite sedate considering there was a plane 'crash' involved.


A fish out of water
Gorllewin Cymru
Watched a couple over the weekend on Prime.

Final Destination 5, more gruesome than expected and not for the Health and Safety brigade. :smile:

Gascoigne, a documentary, we all know the story, but it's still very sad.
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