What film did you watch last night?

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John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Dragon (PVR'ed, Film4)

Unusual Donnie Yen vehicle in which the focus is an investigation into his character's past, rather than the satisfying punchy kicky business I'm more used to. There's still some of that, and what there is is good, but the credits rolled with me feeling slightly short changed by this one. With that said, if you've worked your way through everything, and don't fancy watch Ip Man again, this is decent enough.


Legendary Member
Oh what a lovely war! Odd film. Nothing like any other film I've seen. All felt a bit cobbled together out of WW1 songs and rather thin 'lions led by donkeys' sentiment...all a bit obvious, and felt in truth very dated. Not awful by any means. But considering the talent on show (a veritable who's who of British acting of the day), a bit of a let down.


We went to a local theatre to watch Footsteps of our Fathers.
I don't expect anyone to have heard of it, it's a local enterprise film that my daughter was an extra in and my son was the sound and production assistant.
I still only give it a 5/10


Legendary Member
Micmacs - one of those bonkers films that could only be made by the French, oozing style and artistry, seasoned with no little humour. An object lesson in communicating a serious message without getting all 'serious'. Tres bien.


This talk of eccentric French films prompted me to dig out my DVD of Belleville Rendez-Vous, this is a cycling themed site after all.

It's a film that repays a second viewing as it's full of little gags that are easy to miss first time.

I enjoyed identifying the caricatures, Django Reinhardt, Josephine Baker, Fred Astaire, Glenn Gould (I think) and the hero must be modelled on Fausto Coppi.

I assume that the other cyclists are also caricatures but I don't recognise them. Anyone any ideas?


Legendary Member
Oh dear, how I hate that film! The horrible style of it; the tedious repetition; that ghastly bit where the poor frogs' legs get pulled off; and when the fat dog swims across the ocean, it really ought to come out the other side thin, not still fat. Pah, zis film eeet is rubbish.
I remember playing it to my daughters when they were young - sort of 7 or 8, give or take. I really had no idea what they'd make of it, but they were totally captivated. I'm not sure how they'd have replied to a blunt: did you like it? But it had their undivided attention, that's for sure.
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