What film did you watch last night?

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Legendary Member
Micmacs - one of those bonkers films that could only be made by the French, oozing style and artistry, seasoned with no little humour. An object lesson in communicating a serious message without getting all 'serious'. Tres bien.

Agree great film. Similar style and cast to the arguably a loose trilogy along with Delicatessen and City of Lost Children


Legendary Member
We watched two films. One was really good while the other was absolutely atrocious.

We watched Hot Pursuit starring Reece Witherspoon who, if that's anything to go by, has a career nosediving like Nic Cage's. When you think of her in 'Walk the Line' and compare it to the sheer dross of 'Hot Pursuit', which sees her reduced to knicker flashing to get interest in an abysmal script and awful 'plot', it's quite sad.

The other one we saw featured an equally big movie star who, in my book, can be relied on to appear in a quality and entertaining film. And this one was no exception. Will Smith plays an African clinical pathologist working in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania who knows nothing about American football and is shocked to discover the damage caused to players' heads in the sport. He takes on the NFL establishment who use the FBI and other authorities to hound and threaten him but all his clinical evidence is robust and scientific enough to publish and shine an unwelcome light on the mental trauma caused to the sport's athletes. It's a true story and Smith is terrific in it; totally believable as the central character. It's called 'Concussion' and is well worth seeing.


Legendary Member
Dr Strange.

Tedious nonsense, just because you can use CGI to make buildings fold up doesn't mean you have to do it for ages.

What amused me most was the sequence where guys with magical powers were chasing each other on foot.

You miserable thing; it was great fun. Total hokum of course, but good script and cast, passable story and action that made sense to the plot.

Not Citizen Kane nor Seven Samurai, but enjoyable fun


Legendary Member
Oh dear, how I hate that film! The horrible style of it; the tedious repetition; that ghastly bit where the poor frogs' legs get pulled off; and when the fat dog swims across the ocean, it really ought to come out the other side thin, not still fat. Pah, zis film eeet is rubbish.

Strange how tastes differ. I 'd put it in my 10 out of 10 category as a work of art as well as wonderfull entertainment. The grand mere crossing the atlantic in a pedallo was worth the ticket price .


Dog on a bike
Mad Max Fury Road. I watched it at the cinema when it first came out but hardly remembered it. I didn't notice the first time for example that Toecutter from the 1979 original is in the film as a new baddie!

I tend to judge films and TV on how quickly time seems to pass, if I start looking at a clock after 15 mins it's tosh. For a film that is largely cars driving across a desert MMFR made 2 hours fly by


Legendary Member
Bagger Vance, After Earth, Men in Black 3, Hancock...?
Hancock was alright and all stars are entitled to a clunker or two. And have you noticed how Eddie Marsan is getting in more Hollywood films nowadays? He's in 'Concussion' and was in 'Hancock' so Smith must like him! He's reckoned to be Britain's equivalent of Steve Buscemi. A versatile character actor.


Über Member
I tried to watch World of warcraft last night whilst on the turbo trainer, I hate it when films have super loud fight scenes but everybody whispers when they talk.
Needless to say I got the general idea but none of the detail.
Still had a good turbo session which is what really matters.
I'm not a film person really so feel that if I sit and watch a film it is a waste of time.
I went to see the new Jack Reacher film at the cinema this afternoon and it was awful! Just a generic action film with no effort to hold true to the character depicted in the books. 3/10

I also went to see the first one when it came out, which I thought was just about passable. 6/10



Dog on a bike
I went to see the new Jack Reacher film at the cinema this afternoon and it was awful! Just a generic action film with no effort to hold true to the character depicted in the books. 3/10

I also went to see the first one when it came out, which I thought was just about passable. 6/10

Yebbut if you've got a short arse playing a 6' plus bruiser you're on a loser from the start :smile:


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Was round at a friend's yesterday evening who put on The Dad's Army movie... star studded cast and absolute pants... well, the first twenty minutes were. Turned it off and listened to Gong instead.

Later... I watched Star Trek Beyond. Plenty of fun and not much brain power needed.
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