What film did you watch last night?

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Legendary Member
Went to see Dr Strange last night. Really rather good and I'm not much of a one for super-hero stuff, though I do like sci-fi proper and the more serious comic books stuff - Dredd or Watchmen maybe, but thought the last two Batman's were awful.

Anyhow, grest cast - Cumberbatch as the Doc and Chiwetal Ejifor and Tilda Swinton as fellow sorcerors. Pretty good script avoiding corniness and clever and funny too. Good adherence to the Chekov rifle-on-the-wall thing with each item introduced being a set up for later on. The Matrix/Inception reality bending was well done and had a logic, and even the final climax had a logic to it. Total hokum naturally but 8/10 for solid entertainment.

Hint - do stay to the end of the credits as there is an extra scene. Apparently a 2nd one as well !


I, Daniel Blake. An outstanding film which should have the same impact as Cathy Come Home however society has changed and I don't think it. (I'm not trying to be political, just observing).

At the end the whole audience filed out in silence, all that could be heard was a few sniffles. A very, very good, powerful and distressing film.


Über Member
I, Daniel Blake. An outstanding film which should have the same impact as Cathy Come Home however society has changed and I don't think it. (I'm not trying to be political, just observing).

At the end the whole audience filed out in silence, all that could be heard was a few sniffles. A very, very good, powerful and distressing film.
I've just watched I, Daniel Blake as well. Grim, real, honest and, as Paul SB says, very powerful. I know realise why Iain Duncan-Smith was whining about it on Radio 4 earlier in the week, given the name check he gets in the film!


Flim Flormally
Sorry, but I thought I, Daniel Blake was a Ken Loach film by numbers.
Totally predictable, going through the motions. Heart-nagging scenes exactly where the scrip bitch said. Narrative arc nonessential and nonexistent. So two dimensional two dimensional is one too many. Nought out of ten, and only such a high score because I'm feeling all social-justicey.


Never used Über Member
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back - 6/10

Not a great film, but not a bad one either. Not especially true to the book, but then they seldom are nowadays are they?
Good action sequences, occasionally a bit flat in between and to be honest, take Tom cruise out of the equation and it might have more of a TV movie about it.

Also made the mistake of going to see it on a Saturday tea-time and got skanked of nearly £20 for two of us for the privilege. Which reminded me why we don't go to the cinema much nowadays.


North Shields
Nightmare Before Christmas - 10/10

One of my all time favourite films, hence the stupid rating but there we go. Introduced me to a whole world that has shaped my life and loves, a gateway drug sort of film.

Tonight is a good night for my 8 month old daughters first viewing I reckon. I'll let her off not knowing all the words this time!


Legendary Member
Prick up your ears. A very well done biog of the fast life & untimely death of Joe Orton, and his rather odd relationship with the distinctly odd Keith Halliwell. Not, I imagine, everyone's cup of tea, but I enjoyed it thoroughly - full of one-liners worthy of the great man himself.

Halliwell: They say Islington's coming up
Prospective landlady: It is. The greengrocer's turned into an antiques shop. And the pub does salad.

(Suddenly remembered from the opening credits that it was scripted by Alan Bennet, which explains it.)
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