What film did you watch last night?

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North Shields
World War Z is a huge disappointment. It could, and should, have been so much better, but was re-written and hacked about so much that the final film is flawed and is a total betrayal of an excellent book.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
World War Z is a huge disappointment. It could, and should, have been so much better, but was re-written and hacked about so much that the final film is flawed and is a total betrayal of an excellent book.

I read the book first. I also expected more, but got a lot less.


Legendary Member
Recently seen some older classics at our local art cinema

Belle et la Bette - Jean Cocteau - you've got to suspend disbelief and "go with it" as it were, but I was enthralled - pure magic ! (Although it is tosh plot-wise,but so what)

Buster Keaton - the general . We'd seen it on dvd recently, but seeing the trailer of the cleaned up new print - went to see it in the pictures as well. arguably the greatest masterpiece of the silent era, but unarguably one of the trully great films of all time - of any genre, any era. A joy from start to finish. Seeing it in the cinema with the audience laughing continually troughout really made it.

Also silent, harold lloyd's "safety last" - the one where he climbs up the clock - with no less a musican than the the great Colin sell of "clue" fame providing live accompanyment - perfectly matching every scene - all improvised or from memory as he had no music on his stand.

And the other night Rome, open city - and important "new realism" (if that's the term) Italian movie . Not exackty a barrel of laughs, but an important movie, and part of cinema history - gripping and brilliant

The unsuprising thing, is movies still being shown in cinema 50 or 100 years on tend to be still shown for a good reason

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I watched a horror film. The conjuring. I remember why I haven't watched horror films for years. Scared the bejeezus out of me and in turn I made Mr WD jump whenever I jumped. I enjoyed it. 7/10 for making me jump amd maybe err swear a bit as well.


North Shields
I watched a horror film. The conjuring. I remember why I haven't watched horror films for years. Scared the bejeezus out of me and in turn I made Mr WD jump whenever I jumped. I enjoyed it. 7/10 for making me jump amd maybe err swear a bit as well.

Not having seen any adverts or heard anything about the content other than the name, I assumed this was a magician film of some kind. Now that I know otherwise I think I'll give it a watch!


I watched a horror film. The conjuring. I remember why I haven't watched horror films for years. Scared the bejeezus out of me and in turn I made Mr WD jump whenever I jumped. I enjoyed it. 7/10 for making me jump amd maybe err swear a bit as well.
Any burns on the sofa?^_^

The only scary moments in the whole movie were when the white cloth flys up to the window and the witch is seen,the part where the lady's body flies back into the house and the part where half her bloodied face is show.
The saddest moment was when they showed the dead dog:sad:

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Any burns on the sofa?^_^

The only scary moments in the whole movie were when the white cloth flys up to the window and the witch is seen,the part where the lady's body flies back into the house and the part where half her bloodied face is show.
The saddest moment was when they showed the dead dog:sad:

:laugh: hi nihal. I dont like the dark and i don't like horror movies. I am a chicken. I was jumping and my language was a bit ermm choice shall we say.:blush: i am quite an embarrassment with films like that.


North Shields
:laugh: hi nihal. I dont like the dark and i don't like horror movies. I am a chicken. I was jumping and my language was a bit ermm choice shall we say.:blush: i am quite an embarrassment with films like that.

You should definitely watch 'The Descent' tonight. Definitely.


:laugh: hi nihal. I dont like the dark and i don't like horror movies. I am a chicken. I was jumping and my language was a bit ermm choice shall we say.:blush: i am quite an embarrassment with films like that.
I've seen worse than swearing and jumping while watching horror movies,I used to be scared until each started becoming predictable.:laugh:

I ran out of the room when I saw spiders,thousands of them,spill out of a semi-dead body in 'The Mist".:ph34r:


North Shields
I've seen worse than swearing and jumping while watching horror movies,I used to be scared until each started becoming predictable.:laugh:

I ran out of the room when I saw spiders,thousands of them,spill out of a semi-dead body in 'The Mist".:ph34r:

The Mist is an absolute belter. Haven't read the book so didn't see the end coming at all. Very bleak and hard to stomach.
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