What film did you watch last night?

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North Carolina
The November Man. I found it similar to the Bourne movies, which I like. It was an action packed shootem up. Not great but better than a lot of stuff that has been coming out.


North Shields
Ah yes. I was thinking of Hellboy, and not remembering the name! I just looked him up, and the companion piece to Pan's Labyrinth is The Devil's Backbone.

Devil's Backbone is a favourite in the RM household, along with Cronos. I've enjoyed all his films apart from Pacific Rim, which seems like a vehicle for flogging toys.

His TV adaptation of his comic, The Strain is on just now. It's a bit hit and miss to be honest, though you never quite get the sense of threat you normally get from him.
Thanks again for the tip - just watched it - great stuff! I used a different link in the end 'cos I didn't want to hand over my cc details. I found it at http://www.putlocker.tw/watch-we-are-the-best-online-free-putlocker-2014.html

Sorry! I'd never knowingly post a shonky link, I use Adblocker which may change the view.

That film made me laugh out loud, the lead actor is very good indeed. Lilya4ever by the same director is such a harrowing, affecting film this one is astonishing for being so light and funny.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I watched August-Osage County with Julia Roberts and Meryl Streep. Rather intense and difficult film to watch, and there was no happy ending. Worth watching.


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
Came across a 50p DVD of Pan's Labyrinth (as suggested recently in this thread) which is in Spanish with subtitles.

Curious mix of a children's fantasy with very mild horror and the realities of the Spanish Civil War with legs being sawn off, prisoners tortured with a hammer and innocents being shot in the head.

Well worth the 50p.

Might get that for the kids.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
His TV adaptation of his comic, The Strain is on just now. It's a bit hit and miss to be honest, though you never quite get the sense of threat you normally get from him.
I read the books - enjoyable enough, but a bit of a cop out in terms of the original premise. (The idea of a scientifically explainable vampirism)


Sorry! I'd never knowingly post a shonky link, I use Adblocker which may change the view.

That film made me laugh out loud, the lead actor is very good indeed. Lilya4ever by the same director is such a harrowing, affecting film this one is astonishing for being so light and funny.
Not at all. I'm sure the link was ok...it was just it demanded CC details ('tho' you won't be charged...purely for ID, you understand') but in the small print there was something about a monthly sub which would kick in after five days, which set the alarm bells ringing...so I went off and found it somewhere else, no strings.

I agree, the lead actor was great. The others were good too. I loved the 'cameo' by the 'down-wit-de-kids' Dad and his wandering sax.


Senior Member
The Devils Backbone is a superb film,as is Pan`s.

Yesterday is watched Mirrors 2,not a bad film at all,if you liked the first then give it a try.

Also watched You`re Next,a home invasion flic,very good in my opinion but i love most things horror.


Bird Saviour
Pompeii. It was cool if you like 300 mixed with a bit of natural disaster type movies. I figured it was either gonna be really crap or really good and I'd say it was way better than Troy but not quite as good as Gladiator.
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