What film did you watch last night?

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
No it isn't, I'd even rather watch American Ninja 1, 2, 3, and 4 back to back. :smile:

:laugh: :whistle:

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Hanna. Strange, engaging but a bit lack luster with a a slightly disappointing end.
I like it, (superb soundtrack too, iirc) although for unstoppable female badassery, it's hard to beat Haywire, imo, in which Gia Carrano makes pretty much every fight scene I'd ever seen look desperately wooden and stagey.


I like it, (superb soundtrack too, iirc) although for unstoppable female badassery, it's hard to beat Haywire, imo, in which Gia Carrano makes pretty much every fight scene I'd ever seen look desperately wooden and stagey.
Yes I thought the soundtrack was amazing and loved the way the tracks were intertwined with the screen action.


Yeah I know you've seen it, we've all seen it, but...if you had no other plans for the afternoon...I've just noticed The Dirty Dozen's on 5USA (Freeview 31), starting in about half an hour. Worth watching for Donald Sutherland's 20 years early hippy tank commander alone. No negative vibes, ok?


Active Member
Lucy, it was unusual, but good, in a Luc Besson type of way.


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
Yeah I know you've seen it, we've all seen it, but...if you had no other plans for the afternoon...I've just noticed The Dirty Dozen's on 5USA (Freeview 31), starting in about half an hour. Worth watching for Donald Sutherland's 20 years early hippy tank commander alone. No negative vibes, ok?

Isn't that Kelly's Heroes, and it's 'negative waves', man.


North Shields
I watched Hanna recently too. It's easily Joe Wright's best film, though I still can't get my head around how he actually made a tight, interesting action film after the bloated guff he'd come up with before.


Armageddon - holy crap! I assumed it was a pisstake at first, but sadly not. If you like being yelled at for an hour an a half, you might at a stretch like it. Completely baffled as to why people like Buscemi, Affleck and Thornton would get involved in such a steaming pile of doodoo.
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