I'd also recommend Kill List
Kill List is astonishingly good
Kill List is a good film, but by god it's dark. Not merely dark; absolutely jet black.
One word review: harrowing.
I'd also recommend Kill List
Kill List is astonishingly good
Kill List is a good film, but by god it's dark. Not merely dark; absolutely jet black.
One word review: harrowing.
I caught that last time it was shown on Film 4 (it seems to crop up a lot) very good.One of my favourite high-fallutin' concepty films is Valhalla Rising, which I watched again this afternoon.
An almost hallucinogenic trip about the origins of man and religion. Barely any dialogue with some beautiful cinematography. Directed by the excellent Nicolas Refn, and featuring a brutish Mads Mikkelson it's a firm favourite of mine.
I caught that last time it was shown on Film 4 (it seems to crop up a lot) very good.
Have you seen Fear X? First Refn I saw, I thought it was very impressive.
Turn the colour right down as well, and pretend you're Steven Soderbergh.His next effort is set to be I Walk With the Dead. From the little info released it sounds a bit like a cross between Drive and Only God Forgives, which could make it very good or a pretentious disaster. Either way it will be a thing of beauty so I can always watch it with the sound off like a bellend.
A town called Alice with Virginia mcKena and Peter Finch. World war 2 film. And species. I never thought sir ben kingsley could make a bad film. I was wrong. What a load of pants. 2/10
Bah, you had post 2001 and didn't report watching "A Space Odyssey"
I started "Unknown" last night. I'm old enough to remember Liam Neeson as the star of smallish, arty films. Anyway, this looks like bog standard amnesia thriller stuff, tosh, but enjoyable enough.
Also, re: Ben Kingsley, don't forget that he was in "Thunderbirds".
Bah, you had post 2001 and didn't report watching "A Space Odyssey"
I started "Unknown" last night. I'm old enough to remember Liam Neeson as the star of smallish, arty films. Anyway, this looks like bog standard amnesia thriller stuff, tosh, but enjoyable enough.
Also, re: Ben Kingsley, don't forget that he was in "Thunderbirds".
I have hastily edited my mistake.
Ben Kingsley has been in some properly woeful films. BloodRayne, Prince of Persia and The Love Guru all spring to mind
And re: Neeson, Taken has pretty much ruined him, and pigeonholed him into a frankly unbelievable hard man typecast. On first viewing I thought that Taken was decent, but then a friend pointed out that you could replace his daughter with just about any object and the film wouldn't change, which sort of ruins everything.
'I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you give my golf clubs back now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.'
i'd have given you the leading role.