What film did you watch last night?

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LCpl Boiled Egg

Three word soundbite
Not a film as such, but it was 90 minutes so long enough to be one. Did anyone else watch Marvellous, the BBC2 film with Toby Jones about Neil Baldwin? I thought it was brilliant and blubbed like a baby more than once.


North Shields
Saturday watched Con Air for the first time in ages;more ham than a hammy thing but most enjoyable.

Con Air is absolutely brilliant. It's like everyone apart from Nicky Cage decided to mess about and have a jolly good laugh with it, but not let him in on the joke. Or, perhaps, he decided to play his character true to his name, accounting for his po faced performance?

Either way, it will always be a favourite in the RM household.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Not a film as such, but it was 90 minutes so long enough to be one. Did anyone else watch Marvellous, the BBC2 film with Toby Jones about Neil Baldwin? I thought it was brilliant and blubbed like a baby more than once.
Yes, it was great. Toby Jones brilliant, as ever, and I was surprised by how well they did the Stoke accent.
Con Air is absolutely brilliant. It's like everyone apart from Nicky Cage decided to mess about and have a jolly good laugh with it, but not let him in on the joke. Or, perhaps, he decided to play his character true to his name, accounting for his po faced performance?
Coincidentally, I just watched the episode of Community where some of the gang are set the task of figuring out whether Nic Cage is a good actor or not.


North Shields
Coincidentally, I just watched the episode of Community where some of the gang are set the task of figuring out whether Nic Cage is a good actor or not.

Not an easy conclusion to reach. For all the good stuff he's been in, and there's a lot, he has also done some utter, utter guff. How can you possibly explain a man who did Lord of War one year and Wickerman the next?


One of the 64K
Not an easy conclusion to reach. For all the good stuff he's been in, and there's a lot, he has also done some utter, utter guff. How can you possibly explain a man who did Lord of War one year and Wickerman the next?

Simple. He should have fired his own agent, and hired Harrison Fords one.

My take on Cage (partly from listening to him waffle on in commentary tracks) is that even for an actor he has an overly large ego and he probably says 'yes' to anyone who is willing to pander to it. The good performances/films are a mix of luck and a solid director who will keep him in line.


North Shields
Simple. He should have fired his own agent, and hired Harrison Fords one.

My take on Cage (partly from listening to him waffle on in commentary tracks) is that even for an actor he has an overly large ego and he probably says 'yes' to anyone who is willing to pander to it. The good performances/films are a mix of luck and a solid director who will keep him in line.



The Safe House. Run of the mill 'who can I trust?' shoot 'em up. Some quite well done action sequences, pretty violent and gory, otherwise a predictable pile of tosh. But quite fun for all that!


On a slightly different note I'm going to ask has anyone seen this - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1034303/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_15

I probably won't get chance to watch anything until at least half nine tonight, and don't fancy wasting an hour if it's a bit poo. :smile:


Evidence based cyclist
On a slightly different note I'm going to ask has anyone seen this - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1034303/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_15

I probably won't get chance to watch anything until at least half nine tonight, and don't fancy wasting an hour if it's a bit poo. :smile:

I've seen it. It's pretty good, but sags badly in the middle: it could be at least half an hour shorter.

Craig is good, as is Liev Schreiber (as always)

Cletus Van Damme

Previously known as Cheesney Hawks
Just seen this and thought I'd have a search on this thread in case anybody else had watched it, 'extremely weird' is an understatement ^_^
I knew nothing about the film before I watched it and was about to switch it off after 15 minutes, thought I'd give it a bit longer and was quite glad I did, ended up really enjoying it but it's not one for the squeamish.

Pleased you liked it, it's a pretty funny film. I could imagine that there are some weird people into caravanning in real life :smile:


North Shields
Glad there are other fans of Sightseers out there. I'd also recommend Kill List, from the same director, Ben Wheatley.

Avoid A Field In England, it's pretentious guff, and I still can't work out what he was playing at with it.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Glad there are other fans of Sightseers out there. I'd also recommend Kill List, from the same director, Ben Wheatley.

Avoid A Field In England, it's pretentious guff, and I still can't work out what he was playing at with it.
Kill List is astonishingly good - one of a few films I've watched a second time immediately after the first viewing.

A Field in England is divisive, to say the least - the right side of pretentious for me, but a close run thing :smile:

On a slightly different note I'm going to ask has anyone seen this - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1034303/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_15

I probably won't get chance to watch anything until at least half nine tonight, and don't fancy wasting an hour if it's a bit poo. :smile:

yes! I liked it - I'd read Primo Levi's "If Not Now, When?" shortly before I saw it, iirc.


North Shields
A Field in England is divisive, to say the least - the right side of pretentious for me, but a close run thing :smile:

Divisive is a good description. The first time I watched it I loved it, then I watched it with Mrs RM and hated it. A third viewing left me somewhere in the middle I suppose, though leaning towards the bad side of pretentious.

One of my favourite high-fallutin' concepty films is Valhalla Rising, which I watched again this afternoon.


An almost hallucinogenic trip about the origins of man and religion. Barely any dialogue with some beautiful cinematography. Directed by the excellent Nicolas Refn, and featuring a brutish Mads Mikkelson it's a firm favourite of mine.

I should confess that I decided to watch it with no volume once and proceeded to tell friends it was the most visually engaging experience I'd ever had. Absolutely bellendish behaviour...
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