What film did you watch last night?

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Legendary Member
Star Trek First Contact, a bit of fun, that Borg bint is one scary mofo, but just little bit sexy too. weird. I don't think I'd want to be on the wrong side of her if the hoovering wasn't done.
Star Trek First Contact, a bit of fun, that Borg bint is one scary mofo, but just little bit sexy too. weird. I don't think I'd want to be on the wrong side of her if the hoovering wasn't done.

The last (two-parter) of Star-Trek;Voyager was on the Sci-Fi channel last night (Virgin 135), where Admiral, as she becomes, Janeway confronts the Borg Queen

As for, Borg Drone, Seven Of Nine........................ who would resist assimilation????:angel:


(and with T'Pol in 'Enterprise', roll on Pon-Farr!)

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
The last (two-parter) of Star-Trek;Voyager was on the Sci-Fi channel last night (Virgin 135), where Admiral, as she becomes, Janeway confronts the Borg Queen

As for, Borg Drone, Seven Of Nine........................ who would resist assimilation????:angel:


(and with T'Pol in 'Enterprise', roll on Pon-Farr!)
The voters of Illinois, read under campaign demise, about 3/4 down. Her soon to be ex-husband and future Illinois U.S. Senate candidate wanted more Borg to be shown.
I believe 7 of 9 was a liberated, or non-colony Borg, who had seperated herself from the Hive Mentality.
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Evidence based cyclist
We're the Millers

Quite funny for that genre, and Jennifer Aniston looks amazing for her age.


Despicable Me. Finally. Worth the wait. Full of those brilliant little 'in-jokes for the grown-ups' that have become de rigeur in kids' cartoons. I think my favourite was when they were going into the bank: massive sign reading

(Formally Lehman Brothers)


One of the 64K
Hangover and Hangover 2 (I was off sick, they were 'free' because we have Amazon Prime) I'm normally not a fan of embarrassment/gross out movies, but these managed to just about work thanks to the protagonists not being completely inept. Did suffer from proper sequel disease though, by all accounts 3 continues the slide.

Then Seeking a Friend for the End of the World, which was a nice light touch piece. interesting characters and mostly worked although the odd 'really? They'd do that?' moment. Another 'nothing happens movie'. I can kind of see big chunks of humanity just not bothering as the countdown clock gets closer to zero.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Then Seeking a Friend for the End of the World, which was a nice light touch piece. interesting characters and mostly worked although the odd 'really? They'd do that?' moment. Another 'nothing happens movie'. I can kind of see big chunks of humanity just not bothering as the countdown clock gets closer to zero.
I liked that one too - surprisingly gentle and heartwarming, given the subject matter. Not great art, but enjoyable enough.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Philomena, and before you lot say anything... its a great film. I love Judy Dench, and steve Coogan also plays a great part. Judy dench is brilliant and plays the lead perfectly. You won't be disappointed if you watch it. 8/10
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