What film did you watch last night?

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North Carolina
I watched 7500. I didn't hate it but I am pretty sure I will probably never watch it again. I am not a big fan of horror films anymore and this one was nothing exceptional.


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
Been watching a couple of things with the kids the last few days;

Kung Fu Panda 2 - these films are works of genius, last fight scene of the orig is one of the best scenes ever.
Ratatouille - superb stuff, top notch animation, fun story.
Toy Story 3 - that bit when Andy gives his toys away at the end...sniff...


Here for rides.
They Came Together

A lame attempt to do for RomComs what Airplane did for disaster movies.

Epic failure which appearances from Michael Shannon, Judge Judy, Norah Jones, and Paul Rudd could not redeem.

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Legendary Member
Just watched "Nirvarna", a somewhat arty sci-fi movie. Rather fell flat at the end but quite watchable if you like arty-looking Cyberbunk type stuff. It's not as good as Existenz or Johnny Mnemonic, but not bad.. More about images and feel of the thing than anything. Let's say-6./10


The Wings of the Dove - Helena Bonham Carter in her prime and not much else. Phwoar - hot totty or wotty!

Actually a rather wonderful piece of work with a brilliant script, ravishing cinematography, and great performances by the three leads.


Long term loafer
Watched the Alien prequel Prometheus yesterday afternoon. Still a bit unsure about it, might have to watch it again. Followed that up with The Worlds End with Simon Pegg. Having last week introduced my 12 year old daughter to the joy that is Hot Fuzz, we are having a bit of fun watching Pegg's movies. Unfortunately Shaun of the Dead isnt on any of the streaming services I have tried, so choice is either buy it or 'download' it.

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
White House Down which was both funny and exciting at the same time. Mrs Skol doesn't normally enjoy such mindless shoot-em-up films but this one managed to hold her attention nicely which is about as positive a review a film could receive IME.


One of the 64K
Watched the Alien prequel Prometheus yesterday afternoon. Still a bit unsure about it, might have to watch it again.

This cartoon (warning, contains swears) tells you all you need to know about watching Prometheus.

We watched The Guest at the cinema last night.
Actually a rather wonderful piece of work with a brilliant script, ravishing cinematography, and great performances by the three leads.
is almost a perfect description of what it was not. It was better than Lucy, but still not that good. It knows it's being a bit silly, which is in its favour (it tries to be Hitchcockian thriller and it tries to be B movie horror but kind of fails at both) but it could have done with a little more budget and to have pushed its 'Terminator' feel a bit harder (and while it had a bit of a Terminator feel to it, that's in danger of leaving people anticipating far too much from it) while I didn't get the feeling last night, I'd say there was a bit of a Jeepers Creepers vibe in there too, although again it didn't manage that level of horror. I'm not sad I've seen it, I won't be charging out to add the DVD to the collection. I have to say this years cinema does look to be fairly light pickings.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
All the alien films are showing on sky at the moment, and as I haven't actually watched all of them all the way through, last night I watched alien the directors cut. Not bad 7/10
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