What do you do for a living?

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Mexico City
I teach 11-18 year olds French, Italian and German in a comprehensive school.
I love it because I can make a difference. I get to reverse the xenophobic brainwashing some of the kids get at home.
Also, every 7-8 weeks or so, I know I can spend at least a week on the vélo, with a 6 week holiday in the summer. That cannot be whacked.
Greenkeeper on a golf course.
Great job (but I hate the stoopid golfers who make my job more difficult - an anger management course might be on the cards! :biggrin:), being outdoors all day, no stress, and plenty of job-satisfaction.
Great pay, good perks, and plenty of time of to hibernate during the winter months - i.e. SOON! :becool:

Depending on how my C&G bike mechanics' course goes in the spring, there might be a career change. I love my job, but cycling is my passion, not golf.


Greedo said:
What does your business do?

Since you ask.....I import a rubber membrane and sell it in kit form for DIY roofers. Sell it to trade guys too, who in return, get leads from my websites, that's good because I don't want to fit it, that's proper work.:biggrin: The net was a godsend to me, I couldn't have escaped without it.


Legendary Member
Engineer for an oil and gas production/enginnering services company. Can be quite interesting at times but smetimes boring. There's also a lot of juggling budgets - both monetary and manhours.


octrooigemachtigde - always good to do something you can't pronounce


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
Inline skating instructor - self employed and loving it!

Before this I was an IT contractor, specialising in server installation automation, and before that a trainee bean counter.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Another bean counter here - work with Academics ensuring Faculty budgets and projects are managed properly, and trying to make sense out of 'Academia'..... :becool:...TRYING is the word...organised chaos......:biggrin:

Certainly beats working for a Construction company - I haven't sworn at work for ages.... F-ing and whatsit is common in construction...even telling QS's to fcuk right off in an open plan office.........:rofl:

Amanda P

Legendary Member
By day, an eccentric scientist. I radio-track all sorts of wild things (but in boring paces like Lincolnshire) to measure their risk of being poisoned by agricultural pesticides. You have to be eccentric to do this.

By night, an eccentric muscian...
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