That's scary shy Colin. I wouldn't be surprised if you were earmarked as a bit of a weirdo by some students!
That was the problem! If I'd just got up and walked to the front that first day, things would have been okay but once I realised that I was acting strangely and that people had noticed and were talking about it, I'd created a huge psychological barrier for myself.
It reads like you spoke to some fellow students in the years 2 and 3, even if you didn't socialise with them.
At the start of year 2, I got put in a small tutorial group with a few other students. The first tutorial was very awkward because they all knew each other and recognised me as the weirdo from the back row!
What made things worse was that our tutor gave us an assignment which was to write a potted history of our lives and told us that we had to stand up in front of the others at the next tutorial to read it out. I hardly slept the night before. I'd written the most hopelessly positive description of how I ended up doing my degree aged 28. In the end I choked on it. The tutor asked if I was okay and I said that I didn't feel that I was being completely honest so I ripped up my notes and just told them what had really happened in my late teens.
They all seemed impressed by my frankness and were very friendly. They insisted that I sit with them for lectures in future. I ended up helping them with some of their assignments. But no - I still walked back to my flat every evening while they went the other way back to the student village.
Personally, I think there's a world of difference between shy and just quiet and/or introverted. If someone genuinely doesn't have the desire to mix a great deal with others then I see no problem. We're not all serial killers!
I like people as long as they are decent human beings and they treat me with respect. That's why I organise so many forum rides. My best male friend emigrated and after that I didn't have anybody to ride with and I know that I have a tendency to get isolated if I don't make the effort to fight it. It has worked out really well. I've got on okay with pretty much everybody that I've met off CycleChat.
Bluddy 'ell Colin, shy was the last adjective I would apply to you!
I hate to think which one you
would use!
No, the signs are still there if you know where to look for them! The fact that I talk too much on rides is one. I catch myself doing it but I get worried by long silences because I don't want to go back to the way I was at university, never speaking to anyone. I developed a stammer for a while and that made me reluctant to speak to strangers so I have to work hard at fighting it.
On Saturday's ride, when I was talking about that dry stone wall and "Ernie Saunders' seat", I was acutely aware that I have told CycleChatters those things before. I was thinking to myself that Bokonon and PaulB had probably heard me talk about them. Then I start worrying that I'm boring people and that makes me even more nervous. It's a curse!
An interesting thread subject, but I'm sure there will be people thinking "What on Earth is
that all about!" As I wrote above - if you've never experienced shyness or social phobia, you just can't really understand it. It would be like trying to understand someone's phobic fear of green pencils - "What on Earth is
that all about!"