Were you shy as a child?

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My Armchair
Very shy as a child, and still am now most of the time. Took a lot of courage to finally go on a cc ride not knowing anybody, the more I do the better it gets though.


Legendary Member
Somewhere flat
Nope, I was a big-mouth as a kid. I have become a lot more reserved and less outgoing, as I have become older. Perhaps more confident now than I was a few years ago... seems to be going in cycles.


I had a very bad stammer which isolated me from others because I was scared to speak because they would take the micky. The only good thing that ever happened to me in care was that they got me speech therapy which helped me enormously. I was shy with girls as a teenager. In care from aged 8 until I left school at 15.5 I had no contact with girls, being raised totally segregated. I had no idea how to react to girls, or talk to them and it got me into some difficulties. I am OK now though.


I wasn't shy as a child. I had no problems striking up conversations and holding my own etc when it was required. I was however extremely anti social when I was a teenager in that I'd much rather spend my time on my own reading a book or playing on my C64 than talking to anyone. Allegedly I refused to come out of my bedroom at one stage and my mum used to leave my dinner outside my door. I don't remember that at all, I think she has fabricated a lot of it to try and embarrass me.

Night Train

Maker of Things
I was really shy with other kids when I was a kid but I was fine with adults. That is very much an Aspergers thing though.

Now I am really shy with kids and adults but fine with animals.

I will walk up to people and just talk to them but only if I am paid to and have a script to follow.

This internet thing is easier.


Painfully shy as a child and part of that has stuck with me all my life.
Hate parties unless i know the majority of the people there, in general i tend to clam up if there's a big bunch of people, i much prefer conversations in small groups.
Yet i'm not bothered about approaching strangers and talking, but i do find it a struggle to drive a conversation along.
Much much better than i used to be, i like a laugh and am comfortable being myself but being of a quiet disposition isn't nice, i always feel limited in some way. And yet, i love working abroad, taking to people i've rarely ever met, i seem to come out of myself in some situations.


New Member
Yes, but in a strange way; No problem with other kids, but adult relatives (other than parents) were hard to deal with. No problem with teachers either, or adult neighbours, local shopkeepers and the like.

Still fairly timid now at times, but it's all dependant upon the situation. I'll take foreign holidays alone without a worry happily using restaurants,bars and shops, but I can also go into a strange pub at home and feel very uneasy.

Probably just a bit odd :blush:


New Member
Forest Of Dean
I was very shy and still am a little bit


New Member
[QUOTE 1360045"]
I was so shy that I avoided going into shops in case the assistant spoke to me.

sounds similar... still dread them coming up to me sometimes


Legendary Member
Bluddy hell! I never expected that many people, most of them presumably adults, to admit to continuing shyness.

We need to talk about this. Where's the nearest pub?


North Wales
Shy??? Ha ha, jeez..... VERY. Still much prefer animals to people and I can be really antisocial even now....I like who i like and who I know and as a result have a close knit group of friends iv known for ever, but would never strike up conversation with someone I didnt know and tend to not trust people very easily.
Its easy to be brave on a computer tho, innit :biggrin: :biggrin:


Cake connoisseur
Was not really shy as a child, though I had more confidence with adults than other children. Was a fairly self-assured as a teenager and through into my early 20's, then a long term bout of glandular fever sapped my energy and confidence and I've not quite been the same since!

Now I'm not really shy, but more reserved than I used to be (not necessarily a bad thing), and sometimes totally unsociable. I can also be quite introverted if I'm in a group of loud/attention seeking people - but at other times will just join in!
What an interesting thread. I wasn't shy as a child in the sense that I was happy to talk and ask questions BUT as a very musical child I didn't like being made to 'perform' in front of family and friends. I was repeatedly bullied though which dented my confidence (which has never recovered) but I would never describe myself as shy. As an adult I am a classic introvert in that I don't dislike being around others but my own, internal world is much more interesting than that of other people. I don't need to rely on others for mental stimulation and if I am in a situation where there are lots of people I sometimes have to retreat into my own space in order to get some energy back. This is why I like cycle touring! My job involves a lot of communication ie public speaking, tv, radio appearances, public exposure and scrutiny etc and after many years of practice I am very competent, but because of my introversion I find it exhausting. But to answer the OPs question, not shy.

I probably think about things too much...
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