I've never really dieted - just tried to eat and drink a bit less than previously and fairly quickly give up!
Been having a look around the internet and there seem to be two (estimated) numbers to help;
Your Basal Metabolic Rate, which is (supposedly) the minimum calories required to perform body function if you sat still in a chair all day.
Your Total Daily Energy Expenditure, which (again supposedly) is the amount you need to essentially stay as you are in terms of weight.
So a number below your TDEE but above your BMR is considered ideal for weight loss, in that you don't get too hungry and cave because your body wants to function, but you still burn fat related to activity.
e.g. my estimated BMR is 1900 calories and my TDEE is 2500 calories, so I could lose weight at 2000 calories without getting overly hungry.
At 500 calories lower than TDEE a day I should roughly lose 1kg every 14 days.
Going to give it a go, with the low expectation of 2kg a month. As I say I've previously just eaten /drunk a little less and been annoyed that I've not lost 2kg in a week! Maybe the key is realistic expectation?
Currently 94kg, target weight 78kg. So a minimum of 8 months of dedication, I'll allow 12 months for slip ups!