We are all background characters.

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All uphill

Still rolling along
True, but we are supposed to be spiritual beings. No way have we evolved from primates without the help from Aliens or some kind of god. When humans have no empathy it’s an evil.

Supposed by whom?

And what does "spiritual " even mean?

I make no claim to being spiritual, if that involves some mysterious non-physical being occupying me.


Legendary Member
Well I have nearly got through another weekend, a busy day yesterday, shopping, gardening and a 2k swim in the evening, today was 140 mile round trip to go shopping at Meadowhall, I had my eldest and his wife for company then, this afternoon I have been in my garage getting things ready for work tomorrow, I have chatted to people and smiled with people, and still I feel alone in a bubble, even with all the noise going on around. All those people who were going to "do anything" for me, obviously at this moment they do not want anything from me.

So if you know someone who is grieving, go see them now, not tomorrow, as we know that never comes.


Legendary Member
Brilliantly put.

I remember that feeling. Having to remember shows that it can pass.

I think it's called de-realisation, and is not unusual when under great emotional stress.

Thank you, I have feeling it may last a long time, did you remember getting upset every time you thought, they will never see that again, made me cry typing that.

All uphill

Still rolling along
Thank you, I have feeling it may last a long time, did you remember getting upset every time you thought, they will never see that again, made me cry typing that.

I remember that very well.

I also remember some good advice I was given:

Take it a day at a time.
When a day is too much, take it an hour at a time.
When an hour is too much take it a moment at a time.
Time will pass, and slowly, slowly life will return.


You might be closer than you think with your usage of the word "characters", pointing perhaps to the fact that our reality isn't real at all.

All the major inventions over the years were nothing more than hints being given in the computer coding. They even let us see some of what they've seen over time when they gave us computer games that allow us to build our own worlds.

Maybe. It’s like the Simpson’s creator is Masonic and many of his sketches came true. Too many to be a coincidence.


Grand Old Lady
Maybe. It’s like the Simpson’s creator is Masonic and many of his sketches came true. Too many to be a coincidence.

Even Tomorrow's World got a few things right about technology in some 1400 episodes. There are like 800 episodes of The Simpsons. Programs that lean into a topic such as political satire are likely to get close to a few things in the future, especially after so many attempts.

Anyway, I remember a few. The Shard in London was apparently predicted in The Simpsons. But it is a very vague likeness, which i would argue looked nothing like it. Also, they reckoned they predicted Autocorrecting text in 1994. Yet in 1993, It was reported in a computer magazine that Microsoft's Word 6.0 would be released with "autocorrect". There's two of them debunked...
Even Tomorrow's World got a few things right about technology in some 1400 episodes. There are like 800 episodes of The Simpsons. Programs that lean into a topic such as political satire are likely to get close to a few things in the future, especially after so many attempts.

Anyway, I remember a few. The Shard in London was apparently predicted in The Simpsons. But it is a very vague likeness, which i would argue looked nothing like it. Also, they reckoned they predicted Autocorrecting text in 1994. Yet in 1993, It was reported in a computer magazine that Microsoft's Word 6.0 would be released with "autocorrect". There's two of them debunked...

Yup - standard future predictions
chuck enough predictions out there and make them vague enough and after a while you can claim that you are right

or make them so weird that they can be interpreted in pretty much any way you want (like Nostradamus)

The Simpsons just used more logic and thinking that most psychics and the like and so appear to be right more often


Yup - standard future predictions
chuck enough predictions out there and make them vague enough and after a while you can claim that you are right

or make them so weird that they can be interpreted in pretty much any way you want (like Nostradamus)

The Simpsons just used more logic and thinking that most psychics and the like and so appear to be right more often

Sounds like mystic meg or the spiritualist church!


Grand Old Lady
Sounds like mystic meg or the spiritualist church!

Both are clearly legit...

Sounds like mystic meg or the spiritualist church!

"I can see you meeting a dark person who will have an influence on your life"

could mean anything - dark hair, face, skin
influence meaning - what???

it can be dangerous - my Mum had a friend who believed in all that stuff
a Gypsy (allegedly) told her that her future partner was a tall dark haired man
for the rest of her life she would only date tall dark haired men because of this

she didn;t have much look with any of them - seemed to choose the bad ones all the time! - possibly as she KNEW the right one to look for and when she found one that matched she thought this was the one predicted
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