We are all background characters.

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Nobody cares about you. It’s scary and liberating. When one imagines all the people they must have met in school, work, in the street, and maybe even in television, one must acknowledge they have forgotten most interactions. Everyone is basically a background character. You are like that in theirs, also. You think they care. You’re worried about what they think. But, if you knew how little the world actually thinks of you, you wouldn’t care. No other animal is ever evil. Only humans can be so cruel to others. Where does it come from, primates don’t display such behaviour?
Nobody cares about you. It’s scary and liberating. When one imagines all the people they must have met in school, work, in the street, and maybe even in television, one must acknowledge they have forgotten most interactions. Everyone is basically a background character. You are like that in theirs, also. You think they care. You’re worried about what they think. But, if you knew how little the world actually thinks of you, you wouldn’t care. No other animal is ever evil. Only humans can be so cruel to others. Where does it come from, primates don’t display such behaviour?
You think too much, Milzy.


Legendary Member
Nobody cares about you. It’s scary and liberating. When one imagines all the people they must have met in school, work, in the street, and maybe even in television, one must acknowledge they have forgotten most interactions. Everyone is basically a background character. You are like that in theirs, also. You think they care. You’re worried about what they think. But, if you knew how little the world actually thinks of you, you wouldn’t care. No other animal is ever evil. Only humans can be so cruel to others. Where does it come from, primates don’t display such behaviour?

Having lost my wife a few months back I must agree with you, I feel extremely lonely and deserted by many who I thought would be there to help. How many time I heard the crap words " if there is anything we/I can do".

Chief Broom

Placid and Self Contained

I think I could turn and live with animals,
they are so placid and self-contained,
I stand and look at them long and long.

They do not sweat and whine about their condition,
They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins,
They do not make me sick discussing their duty to God,
Not one is dissatisfied,
not one is demented with the mania of owning things,
Not one kneels to another,
nor to his kind that lived thousands of years ago,
Not one is respectable or unhappy over the whole earth.

Walt Whitman


Nobody cares about you. It’s scary and liberating. When one imagines all the people they must have met in school, work, in the street, and maybe even in television, one must acknowledge they have forgotten most interactions. Everyone is basically a background character. You are like that in theirs, also. You think they care. You’re worried about what they think. But, if you knew how little the world actually thinks of you, you wouldn’t care. No other animal is ever evil. Only humans can be so cruel to others. Where does it come from, primates don’t display such behaviour?

I disagree.
I have had mates from 20 years ago, get in touch, zoom calls, weekends away with them, offers to get the train over 250 miles to see me when I've been low!

Others I've hardly known have become close Freinds cooking me curry and watching a film together, buying me a pint, having a takeaway together. Meeting up in Costa....

Stilling with me in floods of tears he went to get some tissues I'm fine I replied, these are for me he said!😢

Having a kebab with a Muslim colleague.

This is towards someone they could have written off.


Legendary Member
I hate being on my own, never wanted to be.

I'm the opposite. I generally prefer my own company and that of a good Labrador.

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Nobody cares about you.
I wouldn't go that far: most people don't care about you, but some will.
You’re worried about what they think.
Never since I left my immediate family thousands of miles behind ^_^
I generally prefer my own company and that of a good Labrador.
I like my own company, my cats, lots of things I like doing that don't require company.
But a clever conversation with a like minded friend is the best way to spend a few hours.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I have always been a loner. I am happy on my own and with my own company. I am never lonely. I think it runs in my family to-be honest. My 3 remaining siblings live alone. My daughter would be quite happy on her own as would my son.

Mr WD says I don't like people, but I just prefer to-be on my own

Ian H

Ancient randonneur
Nobody cares about you. It’s scary and liberating. When one imagines all the people they must have met in school, work, in the street, and maybe even in television, one must acknowledge they have forgotten most interactions. Everyone is basically a background character. You are like that in theirs, also. You think they care. You’re worried about what they think. But, if you knew how little the world actually thinks of you, you wouldn’t care. No other animal is ever evil. Only humans can be so cruel to others. Where does it come from, primates don’t display such behaviour?

Other primates do fight and even kill each other, as do other animals.


Legendary Member
I hate it too.

Find some mates....

A men's shed.
A quiet local,
A church,
A running club
A park run / walk and stay for coffee.
Get a dog and walk it with other dog walkers..
Befriend some older / younger chaps.

I work, gym, swim or cycle every day, often a combination of two of them, I do not want to have the responsibility of a dog again as I am too busy, no thanks to the church, I much prefer female company over male. I am really busy, but that is because I motivate myself to do things, it is the times alone where the tears roll. My point was, how quickly people drop you, how seldom they do what they say they will.
Other primates do fight and even kill each other, as do other animals.

Especially Chimps
they can be truly bad - possibly worse than us at times - just less mechanised

Bonobos are too busy shagging
I have seen humans that are similar to both ends!!

As far as being alone is concerned - I am a loner in some ways
I need some company - but more than a small amount and I start getting twitchy
this is one reason I ride a bike - I can do it alone and no-one wonders and no-one is talking to me

My wife knows this and knows that I get twitchy at family "dos" because of the number of people around

I am also very good at getting along well with people and making friends
who then are very pleased to see me again - but never make even the slightest attempt to contact me
which I find weird

Personally if I was diagnosed as on the autistic spectrum then I would not be surprised!

Anyway - on line communication suit me fine as I can post a few message and then come back to it several hours later without any pressure

Anyway - back to the title

One of the most important moments in my "journey" to find out who I am was while I was at University
One time I had finished my exams but everyone else was still in the middel of them
so I went out on my bike so I didn;t disturb anyone

I went - sort of north and over to the West with detours along any interesting looking roads

At one point I went up one of those long hills and got to the top
I stopped and looked around - great views over the area and across the fields

I looked around and wondered where on Earth I was and wondered how I would get back

and I realised - no-one knew where I was
no-one knew I was not in my room
no-one knew I was not on campus

and no-one cared
no-one was worried
and - to be honest - if I didn;t come back it could be a week of so before anyone did anything about it
The people in my block would probably check my room (the keys were of the sort of pattern that anygievn key will find 1/3 of the doors with a bit of fiddling
but it would be a few days before they did even that

It was a massive feeling of freedom - I could have ridden off into the sunset and no-one would stop me


Nobody cares about you. It’s scary and liberating. When one imagines all the people they must have met in school, work, in the street, and maybe even in television, one must acknowledge they have forgotten most interactions. Everyone is basically a background character. You are like that in theirs, also. You think they care. You’re worried about what they think. But, if you knew how little the world actually thinks of you, you wouldn’t care. No other animal is ever evil. Only humans can be so cruel to others. Where does it come from, primates don’t display such behaviour?
I would hazard a guess and say someone has either let you down badly, or you are going through something right now, as that's a very negative view of the world and certainly doesn't begin to describe my world.
I hate being on my own, never wanted to be.
Your posts always strike a cord with me, probably highlighting a personal fear, as I reckon the natural order of things is the female should outlast the male. Probably totally sexist, but from what I've seen, they just seem better equipped to deal with it.
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