You wont be the only one. I am so far behind where I was leading up to RideLondon 2013. Still going to be fun! (ish).
I did 103km today and compared to last year, I'm about a week behind. Of course, that was only when I had RideLondon in August and not Velothon Wales in 3 weeks
I came up with a plan while out today though:
0-40km - Its flat so take it easy
40km to the Tumble - Now we start moving
The Tumble - Smash the KOM and win it by a large margin
Descent - Fear is for wimps. Descent like a man possessed
To Caerphilly Mountain - Just getting warmed up
Caerphilly Mountain - What mountain, I just saw a speed bump like one of those timing mats
Last 20km - Walk in the park.
Of course, everyone needs a Plan B so:
0-40km - Its flat so take it easy
40km to the Tumble - Starts going up hill, take it a bit more easy
The Tumble - 6km of crawling along and pain
Descent - Freewheel as my legs are dead
To Caerphilly Mountain - Try and justify the meaning of life
Caerphilly Mountain - Cry like a b**** while praying my Garmin doesn't auto pause and wonder why I paid £4 to get into the god damn Country
Last 20km - Realise why it is free to get out of the Country.
So, as you can see, I'll be on Plan B after the first 40km
I may by a
GoPro as well to see if I can be the first to post a video on YouTube of being overtaken by the Broom Wagon

In all seriousness, I may actually get one to take along for the ride.