Wales : South Glamorgan Velothon Wales

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When does the cutoff clock start ticking? Or when does the broom wagon set off?
By the looks of things, right behind me :sad:


Senior Member
It was supposed to be fastest out to avoid loads of overtaking, but I didn't think my estimated time was that quick. My estimate for the original course was 4.30-5hrs and I'm in wave 4, but I suppose that time estimate would be very common.


I think I under estimated my time to around 3.45-4.00 hours (when it was 120km), and thought I'd be out earlier than wave 16. Get a lie in though ;)


Fleet, Hants
Hmm, Box Hill is about 4-5% and shorter at about 2km :cry:

Would you say that if you took the long way around the corner on closed roads, it wouldn't be as bad?

How long is the climb, also :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: buff said :smile:

Right, I'm back on Plan A......Who am I trying to kid :smile: I do like Welsh Cakes though and I haven't had them for years.

@Broadside Thanks for the summary though :okay:

I will admit that I was a bit nervous about the Tumble, but having ridden it I can now see that you can make it as hard or easy as you like. If you hammer in to it at the bottom it will bite and you'll probably regret it, but you can also spin in to it, settle with a rhythm and it can be done fairly easily. The zig zags are nothing to really worry about, yes it is flatter on the outside of the bend so use the fact that you can ride on the wrong side of the road for the left hander zig zag.

Caerphilly is only something like 400-500 metres long, the point of my post was to say do not dismiss it because it is so much shorter than the Tumble; you will be fatigued by the time you get there so make sure you still have plenty of fuel on board. With fresh legs Caerphilly wouldn't be a problem, it's the position near the end of the ride that makes it seem hard. Above all don't worry about any of it, it's a great route through varied terrain, city and countryside, and in closed roads it will be a cracker. Remember to enjoy it!


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Thanks for the summary @Broadside. I must say living almost on the RideLondon course and being able to ride the majority of it was a great help in breaking it down mentally. Not being able to do that and thus not being able to see whats coming is a little worrying as I do feel a little under prepared, but hell, its going to be great, isn't it?!

I'm in Wave 9/20 G1 Pen, 08:15am start time, #6680.

Nice lie in.


@Broadside What was the temperature like at the top of the Tumble and while descending it? I know it isn't exactly like an Alpine pass but I do feel the cold quite easy and have been wondering if an extra layer for that bit will help my wimp of a body on the way down :rolleyes:


Fleet, Hants
@Broadside What was the temperature like at the top of the Tumble and while descending it? I know it isn't exactly like an Alpine pass but I do feel the cold quite easy and have been wondering if an extra layer for that bit will help my wimp of a body on the way down :rolleyes:

It was 5c colder at the top of the Tumble compared to the valleys either side of it, on Sunday that meant 17c at the start of the climb, 12c at the top. The initial descent off the top is very short, probably done in about 1-2 mins, but then there is about another 7 miles of gentler descending after that so if you are prone to feeling the cold you might want to add some clothing when you stop for a breather at the top. The dual carriageway climb out of Newbridge will warm you up again :tongue:


when you stop for a breather at the top
Cheeky so and so :smile: Whats given you the impression that I may need a breather :smile:

I'm actually thinking I will be OK with the late start now. There is one wave 5 minutes after me and then the broom wagon sets off a further 15 minutes later making 20 minutes. Considering I'm aiming for around 23-25kph, things should be ok.

That speed may also mean that I'll be overtaking quite a few people so that should be added motivation. Obviously I don't mean that negatively against people starting with me who will be going slower because at least they have the determination to get out there on a bike and accomplish what may be a huge achievement for them.


Senior Member
Cheeky so and so :smile: Whats given you the impression that I may need a breather :smile:

I'm actually thinking I will be OK with the late start now. There is one wave 5 minutes after me and then the broom wagon sets off a further 15 minutes later making 20 minutes. Considering I'm aiming for around 23-25kph, things should be ok.

That speed may also mean that I'll be overtaking quite a few people so that should be added motivation. Obviously I don't mean that negatively against people starting with me who will be going slower because at least they have the determination to get out there on a bike and accomplish what may be a huge achievement for them.

Loads of people on the Velothon Strava page saying they put 4.00-4.30 for the original course and are in waves 19-20. Basically I think they've just put people anywhere apart from the really quick sub-4hr lot who are probably in the first wave for the long course.


Loads of people on the Velothon Strava page saying they put 4.00-4.30 for the original course and are in waves 19-20. Basically I think they've just put people anywhere apart from the really quick sub-4hr lot who are probably in the first wave for the long course.
I wonder if because of all the uproar when they lengthened the course without extending the time, they have kept the fast riders first, but then switched around some of the slower riders with the midfield ones to give them a bit extra time wise.

I can't remember what I put as an estimated time but I seem to remember it was on the optimistic side and certainly not the slowest. But if people on Strava are saying the same, then at least it isn't just me :smile:


Senior Member
^^^Quite possibly. I don't think many people at all have anything to worry about with the broom wagon, the 40km of pan flat at the start, then another 40km without much climbing should allow virtually everyone to make really good time and build up plenty of buffer by the time they hit the tumble.

The feed stops are going to be bedlam, my plan is to carry enough to be able to skip one (couple of flapjacks, emergency gels and two 800ml bottles does me for 60 miles in the Peak District) if they look as busy as I think they'll be. But then again, starting in wave 2 of the long course if we keep a good pace we may well get there before the real carnage starts! If it's 25 miles of dead flat then I'd expect to cover that in around 1hr 20 at a steady tempo, barring a headwind!

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