Wales : South Glamorgan Velothon Wales

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I was quite optimistic when I put in my expected time but it seems they have added the extra 20km and climbing but not extended the time. I can see why as they have the pro-race, but as has been mentioned, not everyone will be able to do it quickly and that 20km could be make or break for them.

Some people may have estimated the longest time possible when they entered and so are going to have to go a bit faster.

The distance and time shouldn't bother me. For me it is the climbing as I think I haven't done a ride over 1,000 meters ever :wacko:

@Nomadski I think the closest hill to both of us is Box Hill so have you got any plans for trying to train for The Tumble? Or is it just go up and down Box Hill several times :smile:


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
I was quite optimistic when I put in my expected time but it seems they have added the extra 20km and climbing but not extended the time. I can see why as they have the pro-race, but as has been mentioned, not everyone will be able to do it quickly and that 20km could be make or break for them.

Some people may have estimated the longest time possible when they entered and so are going to have to go a bit faster.

The distance and time shouldn't bother me. For me it is the climbing as I think I haven't done a ride over 1,000 meters ever :wacko:

@Nomadski I think the closest hill to both of us is Box Hill so have you got any plans for trying to train for The Tumble? Or is it just go up and down Box Hill several times :smile:

I'm also going to be trying to get my fitness up to do RideLondon 2 months later so I will probably be doing what I did 2 years ago and start hitting the RideLondon route from Kingston to Newlands, Leith Hill, Box Hill and back through Leatherhead and Esher to Wimbledon. I couldnt do that right now in my current state, but give it a month or so and that will be what I will be doing.

If you want to just do hill training, I think Leith Hill (south to north after heading east on Ockley Road) would be far better prep for The Tumble than Box Hill. Box is a steady easy climb, whereas Leith and The Tumble have a greater variety of gradients, and a higher overall average. I haven't done the Tumble, but after reading up on it it seems like Leith is LittleTumble.

I'm not sure whereabouts your coming from, but when I wanted to do primarily hills over distance, I caught a train from Raynes Park to Horsley and then did the RideLondon trio of Newlands Corner, Leith Hill and Box Hill.


Kilometre nibbler
@sleaver If Box Hill is handy for you, then so is White Down. That's much more fun! ;)

Actually, White Down (2km, 6%) is probably better preparation than Box Hill (4km 4%) but both are a bit weedy compared with the Tumble (5km 8%)

Edit: Cross post with Nomadski. Or, indeed Leith. Or get yourself over East a bit and we have lovely hills like Toys and Hogtrough, or SE a bit for Kidds.


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Box Hill


Average Gradient 4%, Length 4.3km, Height Climbed 204m

Leith Hill


Average Gradient 6.4%, Length 2.3km, Height Climbed 151m

The Tumble


Average Gradient 8%, Length 5km, Height Climbed 391m

Just as a comparison. Box is longer, Leith has more short sharp shocks. Personally I find Leith infinitely more difficult than Box Hill, but maybe others are different.

EDIT: Cross posted with Dogtrousers. Like he said there are probably loads more better climbs than Box Hill in that area, may have to investigate some of them myself.
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I'm not sure whereabouts your coming from, but when I wanted to do primarily hills over distance, I caught a train from Raynes Park to Horsley and then did the RideLondon trio of Newlands Corner, Leith Hill and Box Hill.
I live near Gatwick and have done Leith Hill followed by Box Hill a couple of times. Out of the hills I have done around there, Coldharbough is the only one that I have unfinished business with.

@sleaver If Box Hill is handy for you, then so is White Down. That's much more fun! ;)
I've heard of White Down but have never actually done it. I also went a bit further west last month and cut through Surrey Hills where they were kind of longer but not as steep. I came out on the A25 at Abinger Hammer, turned left along the A25 for a bit and then back up and over. So kind of Holmbury, Peaslake, Ewhurst etc.

Or get yourself over East a bit and we have lovely hills like Toys and Hogtrough
Not sure how far east they are but I know the area around Chalkpit Lane in Oxted is fun even though I've never ridden in that direction.


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Only done it once, that was Northbound. We were doing a practice ride with my mate who was doing the Pru 100, we did Leith and Box and went up White Down to avoid too much A25. Made an impression on me!

Interesting. I always went the RL way via the busy A25 to Dorking, and it has a nice downhill bit too (which is nice...) but after going up Leith, might be better to go up your way to Box Hill. Grab a free hill so to speak, and maybe quieter route thru to London Road (base of Box Hill).

I've never done Coldharbour Hill though I've seen a few mention it @sleaver. Is that the one that comes off leith hill, onto Abinger Road and onto Coldharbour Lane? Or is it coming the other way?


Coldharbour starts in Dorking & goes up to Leith Hill.
A nice loop is up that, down the North side of Leith Hill, but take a left at Abinger Common - that will then bring you out onto the A25 at the foot of White Down. Up there, take a right onto Ranmore Common, a left down Ranmore Common Road to Chapel Lane and then through Westhumble to Box Hill.



I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Coldharbour starts in Dorking & goes up to Leith Hill.
A nice loop is up that, down the North side of Leith Hill, but take a left at Abinger Common - that will then bring you out onto the A25 at the foot of White Down. Up there, take a right onto Ranmore Common, a left down Ranmore Common Road to Chapel Lane and then through Westhumble to Box Hill.


Aah. I've just been plotting a route similar but cutting straight into Dorking via Ashcombe Road, but your diversion is much better.


I've never done Coldharbour Hill though I've seen a few mention it @sleaver. Is that the one that comes off leith hill, onto Abinger Road and onto Coldharbour Lane? Or is it coming the other way?
May not have been Coldharbour but this is the segment on Strava

The road going around the last corner really kicks up and my legs decided they liked the look of the flat road off to the right :sad: In my defence, while I has hiding there, everyone else was grinding up it and some were even grunting.


The descent via Ashcombe Road is fast & safe - going down to Chapel Road is quick, but a much smaller road (extremely rare to see a car though). I probably divide my rides 50/50 between the two descents.


is also a nice climb up to Coldharbour
My legs don't think any climb is nice :smile:

The way I'm look at is, assuming I get my arse in gear and book a hotel (I know :rolleyes:), the start and finish are almost in the same place, so while there is a lot of 'going up', there is the same amount of 'going down' :wahhey:

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