Lost my FIT file on the Elemnt Bolt, so can't upload to Strava. Really annoying as can't see splits etc

Oh well, could be worse, I could be forced to spend time with Trump the Idiot today
To add my thoughts on the day.
It was warm
It was, at times, a smidge windy, but also there were sections where you could fly so probably evened out over the course
It was so much fun passing people who were riding multi thousand pounds bikes whilst I'm on a £225 SS

I don't think anyone went passed me on a single incline; whilst everyone else was dropping down gears and spinning, I was punching over the top. I was having to stay on the right hand side and flying over the hills.
Downside though, was quite literally the downside; I couldn't spin any faster than 36kph, so on the downs the geared bikes had the advantage.
On fast flats I was unable to hold wheels sometimes as I could spin fast enough. Had I geared bike I could have knocked more time off the course, but may not have been as much fun

Loved the crowds watching. I did milk it. Also nice to have the photography bike riding around, made you feel like a pro

Didn't see the same issues others had at food stops. Everyone I went to had plenty food and water but can imagine if you get there later and there was nothing left that this could be a stress.
No cramps for me, and still felt good at the end. I was still chasing riders right up to the line

All the hard work on Zwift really paid off. I was able to push on at times, knowing I could recover in wheels, then attack again later.
Rarely during the day did I soft pedal. It felt like a race at all times. Zwift has 'broken' me ... I was constantly trying to chase on, race past to next group, rinse and repeat
Yep, I had a great day. So glad I put the effort in to get there and we managed to get one of our friends up from London to look after HID for the day