True Facts About Chris Rea

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Chris is replacing Noel on the much anticipated Oasis reunion tour next year.
The brothers got into a fight over correct tyre pressures for their tour bus.


Über Member
Aha! I suspect there is hanging in the loft ,of Drago towers is a portrait of Chris Rea,ala Dorian Grey.
Or is it the other way round Chris Rea has a portrait of Drago hanging in his Garret.
Maybe this is why you never see the two together, only Chris Rea sitting there with his 1 cup teapot, which always dribbles tea when its poured.


Über Member
Chris Rea invented the leaky stainless 1 cup tea pot, much loved by catering establishment, he made so much cash that he was able to up grade the 'Turdis' with extra lights & mirrors with a go faster stripe, and a whip Ariel with a faux Coney pelt on it.
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