True Facts About Chris Rea

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West Yorks
In early 1940 Chris Rea flew his Time Machine over Berlin, he had been visiting many historical places over a 3 week period, and his chemical toilet was full to nearly overflowing,so he decided to empty it, the resulting mess splattered over wide part of Berlin City Centre, Winston Churchill received a furious complaint from the German Government about the unwanted and unwarranted biological warfare attack, Hitler was apoplectic with rage, as his best Mercedes staff car was in direct firing line, with the soft top down.


West Yorks
Chris Rea recently took his Time Machine to Bethlehem, December 25th year 0, he wanted to see if it was true about the Baby Jesus birth, as he was struggling to find the stable, he switched on his newly fitted bank of 20x 3000 lumen security lights he had obtained from B&Q in Middlesbrough , after a short while he managed to locate the stable, however he decided to not bother landing as 3 Regal, but tough looking men on Camels seemed to be using the light to guide themselves through Bethlehem, they tied up their camels outside the stable and went inside with gift wrapped boxes, Chris had forgotten to bring a gift, and as the 3 Camel riders looked like they could handle themselves, decided not to visit the infant


West Yorks
In December 1914, Chris Rea flew to the Western Front, with several boxes of chocolate bars and cigarettes, in an effort to cheer up the troops, and see conditions for himself, he hoped to see his grandad and great uncles as young men too, after getting safely into the trenches he heard singing coming from the German lines, after some singing backwards and forwards between the British and German troops, he noticed some soldiers getting out of the trenches and having a get together, remembering he had a newly purchased football in his Time Machine, he went to fetch it, organising a game of 100 a side, with his Middlesbrough FC fan shop purchase, afterwards he got both sides together for another singsong as he had also brought a guitar, he finished off the festivities with Driving Home For Christmas, which was remembered fondly by many veterans of the Great War


South Glos
Presumably from his car phone while he is driving home.
The Christmas day trip to see his Mam in 1992 / 1987 was, alas, the last journey Chris's De Lorean ever made.
It failed its MOT the day after Boxing day.
The garage owner commented to the Teeside Examiner,
'A blind one armed chimpanzee must 'ave built that bag 'o sh*te man, i ran oot of printer paper for the MOT'.
Luckily the De Lorean passed its MOT again in 1966, 2018 and 2067.


West Yorks
Chris Rea travelled via Time Machine back to the court of Elizabeth I , due to his goatee beard he was mistaken for Sir Walter Raleigh and the Queen demanded his presence, Chris quickly realised he should bring the Queen evidence of Sir Walter Raleigh’s expedition, so he obtained from his Time Machine a 25Kg sack of spuds, and a box of 800 Woodbines, this quick thinking saved his skin, he showed the Queens cook how to make chips, and Elizabeth I was over the moon with her new discovery.
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