True Facts About Chris Rea

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I bumped into Chris in Anglesey this morning.
No sorry, it was Taylor Swift. Oops, easy mistake.


Kilometre nibbler
Art historians have long puzzled over "Goatee Man". Some scholars claim that same face has appeared in major works by multiple artists from different periods. He appears on Han Dynasty pottery, in the works of Giotto and Van Eyck, famously he is in Leonardo's Last Supper and can be spotted on Michaelangelo's Sistine Chapel, and is visible on one of the Benin bronzes controversially held in the British Museum. He appears as one of the corpses in Gericault's the Raft of the Medusa. Some argue that he is visible in Neolithic cave paintings and in Picasso's Guernica.

There are those who argue that there is no real pattern, but the theory of "Goatee Man" just will not go away.


Legendary Member
The Alfa Romeo grille is inspired by Chris Rea's goatee.


Kilometre nibbler
Chris Rea is known primarily as a guitarist, but his favourite instrument is the Kazoo. "I always work out new compositions on the Kazoo or the Vuvuzela" he says. "It's the purest form of musical expression. Then I work on the structure of the piece by playing the spoons and add in whoopee cushion tracks only then do I move on to singing and playing the guitar. Unfortunately my record label turn their noses up at proper music and force me to release only what I refer to as 'singy twangy crap'"


West Yorks
Chris Rea took his Time Machine to Hastings in 1066, the day before the famous battle he asked a long bowman if he could have a go, Chris was given a quick lesson and fired a few arrows, however his aim and technique were appalling with arrows flying all over, after one shot flew straight up bringing down a passing seagull, King Harold was recorded as saying, for the love of god, get rid of that goatee bearded buffoon, he’ll have someone’s eye out tomorrow, the rest is history
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