True Facts About Chris Rea

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Long before it was fashionable to do so Chris declared himself to be a woman so that he could enter the women's arm wrestling world championship.

He was beaten into second place by Bonnie Langford, and has now been banned from entering again due to his inappropriate comments at the prize giving ceremony regarding Bonnie's rather strong grip.


Legendary Member
Although he's from the north-east, Chris Rea always uses Scouse tuning on his guitar. It goes A-A-A-A-A-A.


Kilometre nibbler
The name change of Marathon to Snickers was pivotal for Chris Rea. He ate so many Marathon bars that his health was beginning to suffer. But when the name was changed he found them repulsive and hasn't touched one since.


Kilometre nibbler
Although he is a cheese connoisseur, capable of distinguishing over 100 kinds of cheese blindfolded, Chris Rea is no cheese snob. "Sometimes" he says "Only a Dairylea triangle will hit the spot"


West Yorks
Chris Rea's latest business venture has won specialist car dealer of the year for the 4th year running, he works closely with the factory to import EV's with higher specification trim levels, and custom paint work in special colours unavailable elsewhere, he has supplied the people of Teesside, Tyneside, Cleveland & North Yorkshire with the highest quality cars for the last 8 Years, you can see the range of vehicles available at
Rea's Kias, Portrack Lane, Middlesbrough


Legendary Member
Chris Rea wrote "Driving Home For Tiswas" after a gig that went into the early hours of Saturday. His manager suggested he cynically change the lyric to score a lucrative seasonal hit, and the rest is history.


West Yorks
Chris Rea Co Wrote All Along The Watch Tower with Bob Dylan, after the pair visited West Berlin on a National Holidays Coach Tour, they were inspired by using the transit route from Magdeburg to West Berlin, and the sight seeing tour of Check Point Charlie, The Berlin Wall and the Glienike Bridge, the pair did an impromptu performance at Hermanns Bier Keller, after several wheat beers and currywurst's, where Jimi Hendrix was watching whilst on a break from his Au Pair work, Jimi loved the song & the rest became history


Legendary Member
Chris Rea wrote and recorded the PinkFong version of Baby Shark. That's his real singing voice - he just puts on the Mark Knopfler growl to hook in the AOR punters.
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