Trivial things that make you annoyed beyond expectations?

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Leg End Member
When I asked that surgeon if I'd need a flu jab due to my low immunity to such as the flu virus after my operation, chemotherapy and radiotherapy he not only replied advising against having a flu jab, but also adding that such a jab could affect my already low immunity. I now and have done for a while actually think that my immunity became much better, not worse after the operation, chemotherapy and radiotherapy! Folk who have coughs and colds say such things to me like "Don't get too close, I don't want you to get this virus"! I hope I'm not tempting fate, but I'm sure I could get as close to them as possible and still not catch whatever they have! It's as if my body has developed a 'super immunity' since I had stage 3 cancer! 🤔
Maybe you like myself have just been lucky. Maybe if you didn't dismiss others opinions/experiences you'd realise you have no "super immunity", just that luck has been on your side.

I know I do, and that includes on the cancer front. Others haven't been as lucky. Leave it there.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Maybe those who rely on this vaccine to boost their immune system should/could try to boost it naturally, by better diet, exercise and keeping to an acceptable BMI.
Fit, slim people who eat well still get ill...

Me for example!

I don't smoke, drink alcohol, or take recreational drugs. I eat a healthy vegetarian diet, and average 6 or 7 hours of vigorous exercise a week throughout the year. I have a BMI of 22.7 and...

... I have caught Covid 3 or 4 times!

I felt really rough the first time (before vaccinations were available) but each time since then (and multiple vaccinations later) the bug has affected me less and less. Of course, some of that may be due to my natural immunity building up, and the new Covid variants may also be getting milder.

If smallpox were still a thing, I would dare fit anti-vaxers with healthy BMIs who eat good food to go and sit in a ward full of dying smallpox patients!


South Wales
It takes ten years to fully test and develop a vaccine, yet the Covid ones were 'knocked up in a month or so! :rolleyes:
False on both counts.

Well you keep having them year after year, while I'll remain untested vaccine free!

If you take every vaccine legally available in this country, you will remain untested vaccine free.

Like I said, active conspiracy theorists, or gullible people. I don't know which category you fall into, though I suspect the latter.

Maybe you could also give your thoughts on why multi vaccinated folk I know and know of are on their third, fourth even fifth dose of Covid.

Because the vaccine doesn't prevent it. Nobody has ever claimed it does. The vaccine reduces the chance of catching it somewhat, but more importantly, significantly reduces the severity when it is caught.

I've had it at least twice, probably three times (didn't test the last time).

There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever, the vaccines have saved many millions of lives, just in this country. Hundreds of millions worldwide.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
If smallpox were still a thing, I would dare fit anti-vaxers with healthy BMIs who eat good food to go and sit in a ward full of dying smallpox patients!
Now that would be a bit silly wouldn't it! When I said I haven't had Covid and I feel safe being very close to those with respiratory illnesses, I didn't mean I'd feel safe being in such a place as you describe.


Today i follow the flying spaghetti monster
Leafy Surrey
Like I said, you keep taking it and I'll stay vaccine free and healthy. I bet you've had the shingles one as well! :rolleyes:
I expect you didn't feel healthy whilst going throught testing and treatment for cancer.
I congratulate you on beating it, that's not the outcome a family friend had, not my other half's mum.

Meanwhile a pal has relapsed after several years in remission.
Ask those people, I think they would disagree with your choice of treatment over prevention.
Prevention every time for me. There's even a jab to prevent some cancer. .
eg Gardisil.

I don't know what else to say to you Accy; a number of diseases are preventable. Isn't that a good thing?

How about some "risk of death stats" ; these aren't all relating to vaccines.
From the group that tested positive on the Diamond Princess: 13 in 278 died.
In your 70s; risk of death from Shingles: 1 in 1000 (approx)
At any age, somewhere between 5-25 in 1000 people have a severe sensitivty to aspirin
In your 70s, risk of death from cardiac arrest: 15 in 1000 (approx)
Risk of death (any age) from covid jab: 1 in 800,000 (v approx)

Vaccines are far, far safer than medications and medical procedures.


Legendary Member
For eaxmple do you have any idea of the cost of diabetes to the NHS?
Type 2 Diabetes is easily reversed, I did it by losing 4 stone in weight after 3 years on tablets failed to control my blood sugar and the side effects of the tablets (Metformin) were pretty bad. I have slightly high blood pressure and that too was reduced by losing the weight to within the acceptable range likewise Cholesterol levels are up a bit but I refuse Statins believing they do little or no good.
Nowadays I'm tablet free apart from the odd painkiller (Dihydrocodeine) when I've done too much and the Arthritis is giving me gyp Not many though less than 100 tablets since last May when I could take 4 a day after my Leg op)
Like I said, you keep taking it and I'll stay vaccine free and healthy. I bet you've had the shingles one as well! :rolleyes:

I had shingles as a young man and didn't enjoy it.
One of my riding buddies had shingles and was out of action for at least six months.
I have had the shingles vaccine recently.


South Wales
Now that would be a bit silly wouldn't it! When I said I haven't had Covid and I feel safe being very close to those with respiratory illnesses, I didn't mean I'd feel safe being in such a place as you describe.

It is very similar - and survival rates from smallpox are not much lower than those from COVID.

The only difference is that you have been lead to believe for some reason that that covid vaccines are not "safe" - and that covid is somehow not all that bad.
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