Not so trivial, probably. I see Meta are going to stop fact checking and rely on “community comment” instead.
That'll end well, then…
can see Faceache ending up like NCAP
I always wonder what would happen if I took over a large town centre shop - something like the size of an M&S - and filled the windows with 50 inch TVs
Then put together a website selling the screens and if you paid then you had your image display for the hours that you bought
more expensive Saturday PM - less expensive 3 am on a Monday
all automated
then I go off and watch telly
some time after the Police knock on my door and say that one of my TVs is showing rascist messges
so I go onto my system and delete the image
because clearly it is just me and I can;t be expected to check every image - the system is all automated and I will take the images down if someone complains but until then its not my problem
somehow I think I would be told that what is displayed comes back on me if it is illegal etc
but what I have described is basically Facebook/Twitter etc
just smaller
why should making it too big to control make the owner immune???