Trivial things that make you annoyed beyond expectations?

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Diesel in Hawes £1.38

Everywhere else £1.45

Not as if Hawes is an easy place to get too, yet they can sell it at 5p cheaper than everyone else!!


Legendary Member
London, UK
When you try ordering something from Amazon, the listing shows it as Prime, but when go to pay for it, the Prime but disappears and you have to choose a different delivery option.

Anyway, I moved away from buying from Amazon as much as possible but on this occasion I forgot so I went I got it from John Lewis instead (a much better experience, just choose the product, get a few options instead of 500 options available on Amazon).

So in this case, it started off as something that annoyed me but turned out to be a good experience.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
My neighbour is a knob. Instead of getting a puncture fixed on one of their cars, he pumps the tyre up every morning about 7am with an electric pump, which means starting and running his van. Every day for at least 3 months. It was lovely and quiet this morning, but no the bloody pump is on again.

Also one of their newish Polo's has been on an axel stand for at least two months. Heard him tapping at the rear brakes yesterday. All day. It's still on axel stands.


Über Member
My neighbour is a knob. Instead of getting a puncture fixed on one of their cars, he pumps the tyre up every morning about 7am with an electric pump, which means starting and running his van. Every day for at least 3 months. It was lovely and quiet this morning, but no the bloody pump is on again.

Also one of their newish Polo's has been on an axel stand for at least two months. Heard him tapping at the rear brakes yesterday. All day. It's still on axel stands.

People who pointlessly pick up other people's spelling errors.
Talking by text

In the old days - if you wanted to discuss something with someone - then you rang them up - and talked about it

nowadays people seem to want to hold this discussion via text message - or messages on WhatsApp

which is just not the same - you can;t really discuss things in the same way as you can by proper talking
In my opinion text message are great - but they are off line messages which, if they expect a reply at all, imply that the reply is not urgent and you can happily ignore it for a few hours and reply when it is convenient!

Some people even get annoyed when you don;t spot a message for a while because your phone was out of battery or you went out without it!!!

use the right damn system - if you RANG then you would know that I wasn;t going to reply!

mutter mutter mutter


People who respond in the bikes for sale section saying "I would buy it but it's too small / too large or I already have enough bikes"

Be better off just saying nowt, you ain't gonna buy it, why mither the seller.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
People who respond in the bikes for sale section saying "I would buy it but it's too small / too large or I already have enough bikes"

Be better off just saying nowt, you ain't gonna buy it, why mither the seller.
I know what you mean but I think that they are trying to help persuade someone else to buy it by saying what a nice bike/good deal it is.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
People who respond in the bikes for sale section saying "I would buy it but it's too small / too large or I already have enough bikes"

Be better off just saying nowt, you ain't gonna buy it, why mither the seller.
That's like that old biddy who posts on a local Facebook page stuff like, for example "I'd love to help, but I didn't notice anything", or "I don't think I know her", when folk post asking if anyone saw some bloke acting suspiciously, or if someone asks if they know this certain woman taken on cctv! So if you know feck all when folk post asking if you do know something that could be of assistance, why post to tell the person asking the question that YOU KNOW FECK ALL!!! 🧐 :rolleyes:
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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
My neighbour is a knob. Instead of getting a puncture fixed on one of their cars, he pumps the tyre up every morning about 7am with an electric pump, which means starting and running his van. Every day for at least 3 months. It was lovely and quiet this morning, but no the bloody pump is on again.

Also one of their newish Polo's has been on an axel stand for at least two months. Heard him tapping at the rear brakes yesterday. All day. It's still on axel stands.
Not only a knobhead, but also lazy to boot! 🧐 I have a kind of slow puncture that requires inflation every week or so. I use an old fashioned double barreled foot pump to pump at that tyre and the other three every fortnight. Cometh the day when I need an electric pump is the time to give up, as they say!🧐
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People leaving in a huff complaining our bikes are "too expensive" because they can get on at the local car boot sale for 10€. Then bringing a complete wreck that they bought for 10€ and expecting us to fix it, preferably for free but up to about about 20€ (including parts)...

The customers then generally leave in a huff for a second time when they are firmly told this isn't going to happen.
People leaving in a huff complaining our bikes are "too expensive" because they can get on at the local car boot sale for 10€. Then bringing a complete wreck that they bought for 10€ and expecting us to fix it, preferably for free but up to about about 20€ (including parts)...

The customers then generally leave in a huff for a second time when they are firmly told this isn't going to happen.

If I was buying a bike from a very small amount then I would check out what needs doing first

of course - they probably know naff all about bikes and think the gear cogs can be fix easily when anyone who knows anything about bikes thinks "what kind of truck ran over that?"
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