Trivial things that make you annoyed beyond expectations?

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I opened my kitchen cupboard door earlier, then suddenly a small plastic pouring jug fell out and landed on my half pint glass, resulting in what you can see below. Why, seeing as the jug is very lightweight. 🤔

View attachment 739111

probably down to the exact angle of impact and a previous stress to the glass that couldn't be seen

I have had that happen when a glass very gently tapped my tooth - so - better on a table than in your mouth!


Legendary Member
I've been ignoring TwiX's demands for a DoB for months, until it locked me out, so I entered one. It then unlocked the account, but it's still demanding that I enter a DoB. :laugh:
Twats in hats indoors. Why do you need to wear a baseball cap inside?

I was doing this this morning
I was taking the kids out for a walk and I hate wearing hats
so when I found it I put it on otherwise I would have forgotten it and my bonce is not suitable for outdoor use in hot weather
only for about 10 minutes while I put suncream on the kids though!

on another point - I did the boys ( 3 nearly 4 and 7 nearly 8) and did it "Pop's way - very fast" in about 2 minutes each

the grand daughter (11) had to do it herself and took most of the 10 minutes!!!!

Oh - while we were walking the middle one (7 - but also "a bit" autistic and with development delay) looked behind and noticed that his sister was climbing a tree and the little one was watching her
he commented "girls are annoying"
I hugged him and told him that he was wise beyond his years
which he liked
didn;t understand it but he liked being told it!!!

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I'm surprised that @Accy cyclist hasn't been on to complain about the Hyndburn/Accrington seagulls yet! :whistle:

The only way they've affected me happened last Wednesday when I'd just had my car washed, then 15 minutes later it was hit by a huge blob of seagull poop as I passed the scene from Hitchcock's The Birds film ! Thankfully it was on the windscreen and bonnet, not through my open roof! 🧐 I then pointed the slightly intimidating circling for food birds and the birds on house roofs out to my passenger friend who immediately closed the roof of my car, just in case they might've scored a direct hit! 🧐
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I'm surprised that @Accy cyclist hasn't been on to complain about the Hyndburn/Accrington seagulls yet! :whistle:

I used to work in a seaside Secondary School
it was built with 4 building around a central "quad"

kids being kids they often left a load of uneaten food and scraps lying around after break and lunch times
The local gulls knew this and by the end of break the rooftops were lined with hundreds of the damn things waiting fro the kids to go inside

Part of my job as a teacher was sometimes to herd encourage the kids to get to lessons when the bell went
and force the last ones to get a move on

so I was often one of the last people in the quad

by which time the gulls were swooping down onto the bounty (and twix and kitkat) below - it was not uncommon for a wing to brush your head!

At the end of the day there would often be some cars with several deposits of gull poo over them
and mysteriously other totally clean

Oh - BTW - have we discussed the term "seagull"
some people say that they are not seagulls because they do NOT live at sea
they spend most of their time on land - but clearly near large bodies of water where possible

Only one gull is a true sea bird - I think it is the Kittiwake - that does live at sea most of teh time and only comes ashore to nest
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