Dustbinmen who leave the empty bin in the road, instead of returning it to where you neatly left it for them.
In our road they seem to leave about 3 blocking my drive most weeks
I don;t actually mind taking them back - especially the house at the end which is a care home sort of thing - but why not leave them a few feet to the left in front of the bushes!!
Oh - and the people next door's bin can be easily identified as
1) it is the newest and hence smartest
2) it is the only one with no identifying marks on it (like a house number)
This (I assume) is so that it doesn;t look untidy on the designer outdoor space (too smart to be a garden - and anyway there is nothing growing there as even the grass is plastic!!!)
and if I take it back it stays where I put it fro several days - hence i always put it where one of their cars normally parks (often the Porshe!!!)