Trivial things that make you annoyed beyond expectations?

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Just about surviving
Websites designed by imbeciles, and the people who sign them off.

A poster on another thread was kind enough to offer a link to Tui's site for checking out overseas travel/restrictions. First thing you have to do is specify your departure point, so you click and guess what, Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria - it's alphabetical, and exhaustive. So you start scrolling down, and down, and down, and finally, after you've gone through Guam and Guinea-Bissau and the bloody Heard & McDonald Islands (the what?)

View attachment 605982 eventually get to United Kingdom. Which you would have thought might sensibly have been given a special pride of place at the top of the list, given that VIRTUALLY EVERYONE VISITING THE SITE WILL BE UK.


Heard & McDonald Islands. Yer 'avin' a laugh aren't you?

And breathe...

Where's the airport? Or Port? Or Hotel? Do Tui even go there?


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
When I look in the washing machine and see my lipsalve spinning around in there... Grrrr
Seeing a smartphone bobbing about is also unpleasing. DAMHIKT.


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
My parents' draining board is on the right. They are not left handed. I've never even noticed it before. Also my ex-house had a righty draining board. I htink it has more to do with layout of your kitchen than anything else. And maybe those who have it on the wrong side did not really notice or know that they came in both sides from the shop?
Very often the same sink and drainer can be fitted either way round. You get two holes for a mixer tap, and a blanking plug or somewhere to mount a switch if you have a waste disposal unit.
Websites designed by imbeciles, and the people who sign them off.

A poster on another thread was kind enough to offer a link to Tui's site for checking out overseas travel/restrictions. First thing you have to do is specify your departure point, so you click and guess what, Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria - it's alphabetical, and exhaustive. So you start scrolling down, and down, and down, and finally, after you've gone through Guam and Guinea-Bissau and the bloody Heard & McDonald Islands (the what?)

View attachment 605982 eventually get to United Kingdom. Which you would have thought might sensibly have been given a special pride of place at the top of the list, given that VIRTUALLY EVERYONE VISITING THE SITE WILL BE UK.


Heard & McDonald Islands. Yer 'avin' a laugh aren't you?

And breathe...
I see so many of these that I'm glad someone else feels my pain!

Had a new one recently. A google form required my date-of-birth. Fine .. except it defaulted to today's date ... <hrrrmph> stooopid, but not uncommon ...
then I realised I could only change the date by clicking on the "Previous Month" tiny button. Think how many presses that is ...



Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Smelly people.
I understand that after a day's physical work, or exercise that smells might emanate from a body, but dirty smelly people annoy me.
I mean, how much does a bar of soap cost... 50p? £1 for something better?


As long as I breathe, I attack.
took family to zoo and had a coffee there and the ruddy card machine had packed up and i dont carry cash ( wife and kids eh i dont get pocket money :smile: ) , standing at the till with 2 ice creams which i promptly put on the counter and walked off .It would have been simple to write on a piece of paper at the start rather than letting me queue for 15 odd minutes and i was ready for a widdle , wife and mini ck 1 had been mardy all afternoon too so i had had enough by then .
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