Trivial things that make you annoyed beyond expectations?

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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
But Accy, you’re listed on the left as a « Legendary Member ». (Ah, but maybe that’s just attribute advertising!)
Yes, but i am a genuine CC legend.:becool: Those footballers are just 'former players'.:okay:


Websites designed by imbeciles, and the people who sign them off.

A poster on another thread was kind enough to offer a link to Tui's site for checking out overseas travel/restrictions. First thing you have to do is specify your departure point, so you click and guess what, Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria - it's alphabetical, and exhaustive. So you start scrolling down, and down, and down, and finally, after you've gone through Guam and Guinea-Bissau and the bloody Heard & McDonald Islands (the what?)

605982 eventually get to United Kingdom. Which you would have thought might sensibly have been given a special pride of place at the top of the list, given that VIRTUALLY EVERYONE VISITING THE SITE WILL BE UK.


Heard & McDonald Islands. Yer 'avin' a laugh aren't you?

And breathe...


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
On a similar website gripe.. I'm not sure if it's Rutland Cycles or leisureakes, but when you've set the filters for what you want ie price, size, colour yada yada yada and you click on summat you like the look of and there's no 'back' button so when you go back a page from the top bar, it dumps all the filters...
Websites designed by imbeciles, and the people who sign them off.

A poster on another thread was kind enough to offer a link to Tui's site for checking out overseas travel/restrictions. First thing you have to do is specify your departure point, so you click and guess what, Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria - it's alphabetical, and exhaustive. So you start scrolling down, and down, and down, and finally, after you've gone through Guam and Guinea-Bissau and the bloody Heard & McDonald Islands (the what?) eventually get to United Kingdom. Which you would have thought might sensibly have been given a special pride of place at the top of the list, given that VIRTUALLY EVERYONE VISITING THE SITE WILL BE UK.


Heard & McDonald Islands. Yer 'avin' a laugh aren't you?

And breathe...
Can't you just start typing united into the filter list to get to UK? Most drop downs allow this shortcut, united would reduce to 3 places usually, so UAE UK and USA.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I had it in Todmorden TOFS the other day
We have one here in Great Harwood and there's one in Clitheroe, across from the Lidl car park, but let's not dwell on that one eh!:whistle: Anyway, what do you think about the piped TOFS background music when shopping there? I hear music/songs i have never heard before apart from in there.🤔
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