Trivial things that make you annoyed beyond expectations?

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My phone resetting settings of its own volition. So I suddenly find location is on, or mobile data, though I keep them off by default. I just spent a couple of minutes re-enabling instant editing for screenshots - a very useful facility that had just stopped. The answer proved to be buried in a sub-sub-menu, so there's no way I turned it off inadvertently, but sure enough, there it was: off. I turned it back on and all is well. But grrrrr. The phone does this kind of thing all the time. I suspect quite a lot of this sort of thing is down to google. Google wants me to have location turned on, so every time it updates, it turns it back on again. :angry:


Cynical idealist
Relentless car adverts that seem to imply driving cars is almost a sexual experience. To the point I have a one way moan at the radio!


Firm and Fruity
The National Television Awards.
It has to be the lowest common denominator TV awards. All voted for by the “Great British public”. It just shows the level of our fellow humans.
It’s all soap operas and game shows.
Factual TV doesn’t get a look in. Best factual show was Gogglebox, which isn’t even a factual show.
Best documentary was some puff piece about Kate Garroway’s husband.
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back and brave
All voted for by the “Great British public”.

Are they though? I mean, let me clarify, I'm sure votes are made but are they counted? Or used to determine a winner?

Just like (and this is something that further brings out the cycnic in me) when presenters (radio or TV) say things like 'tell us what you think' or 'send us your ideas' by the usual email/social media methods etc. Now obviously the presenter isn't going to read through contributions but have you ever wondered who does? IF someone does? Maybe a production staff member grabs a couple, just because, and the rest? Just get purged in some automated process.

I want them to care. I mean really care. :laugh:


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Butter dishes or margerine tubs....that look like a maniacal slasher (my wife :laugh:) has been in them.
I take the contents carefully, leaving the contents tidy.. when my wife has used looks like a fight took place within.
Even worse, finding a bit of swede or potato in there :ohmy:
Worse than swede or potato are toast crumbs transferred from spreading then needing more butter!
Having to take a winding path through the duty-free shop at an airport to get to the departure lounge.
yep - a fairly recent thing - how far can they take that?
reminds me of walking down amsterdam streets and constantly being asked if I want drugs, or of old walking in some eastern european cities and having spivs emerge out of doorways to try to do currency deals.
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