Google Maps drove me nuts at the start of my trip down to Lands End a couple of years back. As recorded at the time...Google maps sending walking routes down trunk roads with no pavement. What’s that all about?
Google Maps, route to Cheddar. Google comes up with three possibles, one highlighted. This, as becomes clear, is the one Google thinks I ought to take. But I've already decided J don't want to take that one, I want to take *that* one. So I switch to my preferred route. And off I go. And all goes well for four or five miles, when I start to get the feeling things aren't quite right. Seems to be directing me back the way I've come. So I get out the phone and go to the maps screen, and bugger me, the route I've highlighted is no longer selected. No, Google has decided its route is better, and is taking me back to Bristol Temple Meads so J can get on it. After a bit of cursing and swearing, I reselect my route, and set off again. And all seems to be well until.... Yup. It’s done it again! My route has disappeared, Google's preferred option is back again, it's guiding me back to Bristol. By the time I've escaped from that nonsense it’s probably added six or seven miles to my travels. Thanks Google.
I googled it. (