Triban 3 Owners Club

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What Nempnett Thrubwell store? There's no such store on the store finder on their own website.


Senior Member
That doesn't appear when I search......


Well-Known Member
King's Lynn
Rant time......

After 6 months on the original tyres and wheels I have now had the second puncture in a few days after fitting gatorskins. :cursing: That's not even the most annoying part though, the most annoying part is that IT STILL DOESN'T CHANGE GEAR PROPERLY! If I try and change into the biggest ring it just graunches for about 10 seconds before eventually changing. I've taken it into Decathlon twice now to be fixed, the cheeky sods even charged me 20 odd quid last time (after initially telling me it would be free) because I'd changed the wheels. The wheels are the same size and the cassette was exactly the same, the reason it doesn't change is BECAUSE THEY NEVER SET IT UP PROPERLY IN THE FIRST PLACE! That is why the chain snapped a couple of weeks after I bought it. I am not crossing the chain, I am not changing under heavy load and I change one gear at a time. What am I doing wrong exactly?!

I've tried to see the best in them because everyone rates them here but they are absolutely f***ing s***. Whereas Halfords who are continually slated on here have always been great for me. I've never had any problems with them whereas both the Birmingham and Coventry stores are full of idiots. I wish I'd just bought a Carrera, I probably wouldn't have had these problems. I am sick of driving 100 mile round trip to get the bike fixed. They made me wait about 4 hours last time too!

I think I'll be heading to a Specialized store soon to get a better bike with better customer service!

and breathe......

I've just taken my T3 out for the first time and the gears were a bit of a mess. Some jumping at the front and back plus chain noise so something clearly isn't right. I would have expected it to be pretty spot as I guess they are checked before dispatch. So not impressed with that but once that's sorted and I get used to the riding position I think I'll love it.

My nearest store is Lakeside and did think about heading down to get them to take a look but probably quicker and easier to get my LBS to take a look (given cost of petrol etc).

Also, I'd avoid the Nempnett Thrubwell branch. Not heard good things about it. I reckon the reason it's not on the website is that they are a bit ashamed of it :thumbsup:


Senior Member
if decathlon are gonna charge you, just take it to your lbs, they'll put you right

I only took it because of the free 6 month safety check. If I know they were going to charge me I would have taken it elsewhere.

I've just taken my T3 out for the first time and the gears were a bit of a mess. Some jumping at the front and back plus chain noise so something clearly isn't right. I would have expected it to be pretty spot as I guess they are checked before dispatch. So not impressed with that but once that's sorted and I get used to the riding position I think I'll love it.

My nearest store is Lakeside and did think about heading down to get them to take a look but probably quicker and easier to get my LBS to take a look (given cost of petrol etc).

Also, I'd avoid the Nempnett Thrubwell branch. Not heard good things about it. I reckon the reason it's not on the website is that they are a bit ashamed of it :thumbsup:

This is what I mean, it should have been right first time. Not so bad that in my case the chain snapped after a couple of weeks. I just hope they sort yours out at the second or third attempt, unlike mine. :sad:

So many people seem to have this problem. I wonder if it's to do with the ultra cheap groupset?


rubbish uphill, downhill 'balast' make me fast
my chain also snapped..... best thing ive ever done is watch youtube videos and learned how to tune gears myself, so much easier than the drive to decathlon, if i can do it anyone can.


Senior Member
Coincidentally yet another person has the same problem:

my chain also snapped..... best thing ive ever done is watch youtube videos and learned how to tune gears myself, so much easier than the drive to decathlon, if i can do it anyone can.

I'll have to learn how to do that but part of the reason I took it in was for the full safety check. Besides, you'd expect a professional to do a good job of it!
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