Triban 3 Owners Club

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Senior Member
So near and yet so far!

Went down to Decathlon Edinburgh yesterday to buy a 60cm Triban 3 and they'd none left!!! Gutted! :cry:
More stock expected at the weekend, though, so they're going to keep one aside for me. :wahhey:

Billy Adam

Senior Member
So near and yet so far!

Went down to Decathlon Edinburgh yesterday to buy a 60cm Triban 3 and they'd none left!!! Gutted! :cry:
More stock expected at the weekend, though, so they're going to keep one aside for me. :wahhey:
get em while they're 'ot


Got everything sorted in the end and managed a quick spin round the block (less than a mile) just to test it out.

Certainly going to take some getting used after years of using an MTB. Hope to get a quick ride in tomorrow night if I can duck out of work in time then a really decent ride in on Saturday morning.

Feels ridiculously light though compared to my Kona, actually looking forward to attacking some hills now.

I have had my T3 for six weeks now. Yesterday I had to ride the flatbar hybrid to the LBS - it felt totally alien. Looks like you soon get used to the Taliban riding position.


Active Member
East Devon
I have totally failed to find any sticker on mine that tells me where it was made... still never mind. It works and it and I made a 100km ride on Tuesday and it was ready to talk to me again this morning... not sure I was ready to talk to it yesterday mind you - you should have seen the mess it made of the kitchen overnight!

The sticker should be at the rear of the seat tube below the derailleur bracket. That's where mine is at any rate. Congrats on the 100km.

Billy Adam

Senior Member
The manager of the Nempnet Thrubwell branch told me that apparently, the Italian ones were found to suffer from weld failures due to the sulphurs inherent in the atmosphere that are discharged from Mount Etna, so they switched production to Romania as it has a the more stable environment, whilst they upgrade the ventilation system in the Naples factory.

There might be a recall of the Italian frames at some point, so far it's been picked up at the factory but there have been a few instances of the frame coming apart at the bottom bracket. I rang head office at Surrey Quays who then checked with the Europe wide technical manager in Lille, the current advice is if you're over 90 Kilos check your frame for hair line cracks before venturing out.

He was also reported to have said 'we are reviewing the situation, in the meantime it's best Les Rosbifs cut back on the pie consumption'.
This might shed some light on it andy

Billy Adam

Senior Member
Sulphur can be nasty stuff!


Senior Member
Rant time......

After 6 months on the original tyres and wheels I have now had the second puncture in a few days after fitting gatorskins. :cursing: That's not even the most annoying part though, the most annoying part is that IT STILL DOESN'T CHANGE GEAR PROPERLY! If I try and change into the biggest ring it just graunches for about 10 seconds before eventually changing. I've taken it into Decathlon twice now to be fixed, the cheeky sods even charged me 20 odd quid last time (after initially telling me it would be free) because I'd changed the wheels. The wheels are the same size and the cassette was exactly the same, the reason it doesn't change is BECAUSE THEY NEVER SET IT UP PROPERLY IN THE FIRST PLACE! That is why the chain snapped a couple of weeks after I bought it. I am not crossing the chain, I am not changing under heavy load and I change one gear at a time. What am I doing wrong exactly?!

I've tried to see the best in them because everyone rates them here but they are absolutely f***ing s***. Whereas Halfords who are continually slated on here have always been great for me. I've never had any problems with them whereas both the Birmingham and Coventry stores are full of idiots. I wish I'd just bought a Carrera, I probably wouldn't have had these problems. I am sick of driving 100 mile round trip to get the bike fixed. They made me wait about 4 hours last time too!

I think I'll be heading to a Specialized store soon to get a better bike with better customer service!

and breathe......


North Somerset
Bought my Triban 3 in July 2012, sticker has made in Italy on it. No problems with it at the moment having done about a 1000 miles on it . Sorry brake blocks need changing.

Safe cycling


Senior Member
I didn't say the bike was sh** but clearly Specialized are better quality bikes.

And I'm pretty justified in saying the customer service is sh** after what I've endured!
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