Triban 3 Owners Club

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Legendary Member
actually I have picked up a similar click as well related to braking. Have checked the rims thoroughly but can't see anything at all... didn't seem as bad today though.. shall see how it goes - need to adjust brakes again, after the new cables they are getting close to the bars from cable stretch...

I think I've sorted it - by adjusting the brake block so it was more parallel to rim (lateral rotation?), and also by tightening the cable a tad. Everyday's a school day... :smile:


Can a newbie please pick the brains of some of you T3 owners?

If you were getting a new T3, would upgrades would you recommend from the products that Decathlon stock?

I'm going down to the Surrey Quays store on Sunday to hopefully pick up a T3 but I've seen a few comments now about changing a few of the standard parts for something better.

I've not got great mechanical knowledge, actually make that none :blush: so at the moment wouldn't feel confident changing things like wheels, pedals and tyres on my own. What I was thinking was if there are upgrades that Decathlon stock that I could ask them to fit when I actually buy my bike. Hopefully saving me some headaches in the long run.

Or alternatively would you not recommend that approach and say do upgrades through a decent LBS?

I wouldn't worry too much about upgrading until you've got used to the bike Speedball, it all makes a lot more sense when you've put some miles in ... I'm not saying don't upgrade, as that's part of the fun but you really don't have to change much to enjoy this bike.

If you're a bit oversized (like a few of us, ahem :blush: ) and you ride 3 times in a week for a few weeks, you'll lose more weight than a fair old spend would keep up with anyway. If you're skinny already but not a regular cyclist, then just your fitness level improvements will progress you in leaps forward far faster than changing a few minor things will make much difference with (IMO).

If you already run marathons or something similar, then the view still stands, as settling into road riding will take a while, so you might give it just a few weeks before getting onto upgrades.


Well-Known Member
King's Lynn
I wouldn't worry too much about upgrading until you've got used to the bike Speedball, it all makes a lot more sense when you've put some miles in ... I'm not saying don't upgrade, as that's part of the fun but you really don't have to change much to enjoy this bike.

If you ride 3 times in a week for a few weeks you'll lose more weight than a fair old spend would keep up with anyway and your fitness improvements will make your progress leap forwards faster than changing a few minor things will make much difference with (IMO).

Thanks for that, sounds like good advice :-)

Billy Adam

Senior Member
I have an issue with my front brake caliper (I think). When I apply the brake under load/ when cycling, there is a 'click' linked to the wheel rotation. I noticed it fron the word go with original bike spec, and having put the clarks pads on it's even louder. It's not the mudguard as I took this off to check, nor is it the spoke magnet (that's off as well). I noticed that right side pad (on quick release lever side) does not sit parallel to the rim. So if one applies the brakes firmly the left pad is in full contact, but with the right pad only the front third is in contact. I can't realyy see how this generates a noise - perhaps it's 'jump' in the pad.

So anyway what do you think, can I adjust the caliper, file the brake pad, or something else..? Trip to Decathlon..? knowledge of callipers brakes is pretty rusty... ;)
Silly question, but are there any marks on the fork. Is the pad sticking?


mid devon
I discovered this thread yesterday and wish I had done so much earlier. Inspired by following Le Tour last summer in the Pyrenees, I decided it was time to move up from my trusty Giant Hybrid. Since then I had been trawling Ebay and other sites trying to find a quality used road bike in my size that I could get past "er indoors" without ending my marriage. I had several close calls but always missed out on the final bid. I discovered the Trib 3 when reading a sub £1,000 review in Cycling Weekly last November. It seemed to tick a lot of boxes certainly in terms of value but seemed to lack a bit of "street cred". I was also a bit nervous about buying on line. I live in Devon and there is no Decathlon store within 150 miles. I was also nervous about size selection because their online guide is a bit vague. By chance however I had a business meeting in the West Midlands a couple of weeks ago and, with an hour in hand, decided to check out the store in Wednesbury. I was really impressed. They had a good stock of all sizes of the red uns. The techician couldn't have been more helpful. I chose a 54" which seems exactly right for my 5' 6".

I am waiting for some better weather (aren't we all) to put in some long rides but so far I love it. The front and rear derailers needed a bit of tweaking but otherwise it has been great. I changed the pedals immediately and ultimately will probably get some better wheels and tyres. It was looking for suggestions on upgrades which is what led me to this thread. It seems I have bought an icon not a budget bike at all.
once you get out on it you will love it! look forward to seeing you around the roads of devon soon:hello:


I think I've spoken to Jazloc on the reddit cycling IRC channel :smile: Yes I was looking at Fulcrum 7s, they look like a good deal for £110.

Is this the sort of cassette I'd need? If so, what size is the cassette already on the bike? Thanks.

Does anyone know the answer to this? Thanks :smile:


mid devon
im no expert but have read good reviews on the sram PG850 and I think its lighter


Legendary Member
How are you getting on with the Clarks? I've just ordered a set.

Yes, good - but only been on one ride so far, it was dry and I kept stopping to try and find the cause of that noise I mentioned. I didn't quite do one block up tight enough as well - so found it had shifted in course of the ride. I put back the b'twin on the front while I was playing detective, so need to swap them back to the clarks again. 50Km on Sat am.

Billy Adam

Senior Member
Yes, good - but only been on one ride so far, it was dry and I kept stopping to try and find the cause of that noise I mentioned. I didn't quite do one block up tight enough as well - so found it had shifted in course of the ride. I put back the b'twin on the front while I was playing detective, so need to swap them back to the clarks again. 50Km on Sat am.
I should have mine by sat. But want to get a nice ride in too, so may wait to change them over.


rubbish uphill, downhill 'balast' make me fast
im no expert but have read good reviews on the sram PG850 and I think its lighter

just bought one of these myself, going to test it tomorrow. i went 11-28 which just about fits i have changed the b screw for a slightly longer one. seemed fine by reversing it but i thought better to make sure.

Billy Adam

Senior Member
Went for a ride yesterday and pleased to say that the creaking has stopped, fitted the road racer 2 mud guards before ride, back ones fine but the front does tend to rub no matter how I adjust it. So the jury's out on those. Do keep me dry though.

Deleted member 20519

Just weighed my Triban without lights/cages/accesories and it's weighed in at 8.1kg - that can't be right?!
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