Triban 3 Owners Club

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Sorry but i completely disagree. I was in retail myself for five years until very recently. Whether it's 9am or 9pm your job is to help people. That is why you're employed. It's especially important in a shop like Decathlon, which caters to a huge range of people and a huge range of activities. How long would it have taken him to talk me through the important bits? Not long. I can't believe he had anything better to do, as he simply went back to the bike area and carried on chatting to his mate.

Yes, it was the cheapest road bike they do, but one man's change is another's fortune. £300 is a lot to me for a sport i'm not yet involved in. A little bit of enthusiasm and information wouldn't go amiss.

+1 Good post. :thumbsup:


Thank you, I really would appreciate it. Been looking for a detailed image for comparison on google but no joy.

Here you go:





also available in orange
BTW, in retail your job is to sell. If you spent all day helping and not selling, then there wouldn't be a business.

Absolute rubbish! If you don't help you won't sell not more that once anyway. Help the customer and they are very likely to come back time and time again.

Hilarious, so Decathlon is your LBS is it? How many times have you been back since you bought your bike? People go there because it's good value, not because staff are willing to spend a lot of time explaining how it works.

Retail is dying on it's backside for various reasons (internet, overheads, lack of customer loyalty etc etc). You want service, you pay for it.
The worst is the charmers who come in, ask for advice on something then go home and pay less for it on the web.
If I worked in a bike shop and someone bought a bike then asked how the brakes and gears work, I'd be concerned about the customers' ability to ride it safely.



If I worked in a bike shop and someone bought a bike then asked how the brakes and gears work, I'd be concerned about the customers' ability to ride it safely.

Funny you should say that. I once bought a motor bike from a dealer. Never once did he ask me if I knew how to ride it. Handed over the dosh then rode off on it. I imagine I could do myself more serious damage on a motor bike than a bicycle!

Back to the thread. I would be very reluctant to take a brand new bike to a different, more local bike shop with any issues as I would be charged for the privilege
Within the first 6 months Decathlon offer to resolve any problems with the bike FOC. If you live locally - happy days! If it's a trek to get to one, so be it. My local Decathlon is approx 20 miles away. I can guarantee that I will be off down the M1 when the 6 month service is due.

By the way. Great pictures Radchenister.


Haven't you nice people got any cycling to do? ... you know, get out and release some of that pent up ... erm ... energy, revel in the feel good factor, bathe in the endorphins, re-balance your karma, put the yin back in the yang ... avoid getting into pointless arguments on the internet etc. ? :wahhey: :hugs: :o) :hugs: :wahhey:


Senior Member
Dover, Kemt
Hilarious, so Decathlon is your LBS is it? How many times have you been back since you bought your bike? People go there because it's good value, not because staff are willing to spend a lot of time explaining how it works.

Retail is dying on it's backside for various reasons (internet, overheads, lack of customer loyalty etc etc). You want service, you pay for it.
The worst is the charmers who come in, ask for advice on something then go home and pay less for it on the web.
If I worked in a bike shop and someone bought a bike then asked how the brakes and gears work, I'd be concerned about the customers' ability to ride it safely.

No Decathlon is not my LBS my shop is more that happy to talk to me even if I don't buy anything. My retirement job is in another side of retail and we are most certainly not dying and pride ourselves on being helpful. I don't think you would even get an interview with us with your attitude.
OK - I have my bike back. :smile: It has had
  • new rear hub innards
  • new bearings (front & rear hub)
  • new (upgraded) bottom bracket (parts broke when they removed it!)
  • new cables & end caps (which we had fitted & were missing when we purchased them)
  • everything regreased... (except seat post - no issues there, hate people moving my seat for me!)
  • front & rear derailuers's dismanteled, cleaned, & greased, plus (obviously) adjusted.
  • rear wheel re-trued
  • freewheel cleaned & regreased (full of mud which was causing me issues in cold weather).
  • my (2 week old) chain, cleaned & lubed
Everything has been done under warranty. ^_^

My OH's T3 has been left with them for same checks and we should have that back tomorrow (would be same day but don't seen the point in driving back into Warrington a second time today when my OH works close by and can collect it during lunch). Hopefully his won't need quite as much work on it given it has only done 1/2 the mileage!


Legendary Member
Went out for a first spin this am, very good feel to bike - loads of fun. Decathlon seemed to set it up very nicely as the gear shifting was excellent, all I did was adjust saddle height.
(click pics for 2048px res)

P1160190 by ao, on Flickr

P1160195 by ao, on Flickr

[ 8419196705_5d685e852a_b.jpg
P1160196 by ao, on Flickr
Yes, I left the brake QR up... when I taken the FW off earlier.

P1160192 by ao, on Flickr

P1160193 by ao, on Flickr


also available in orange
No Decathlon is not my LBS my shop is more that happy to talk to me even if I don't buy anything. My retirement job is in another side of retail and we are most certainly not dying and pride ourselves on being helpful. I don't think you would even get an interview with us with your attitude.

Funny that, I run my own retail business and I wouldn't employ you if you think all you're there to do is help. I can assure you I give excellent service to my customers, but then my customers actually buy from me.

Good news.

If you don't mind me asking, what mileage are you up to on it?
I have only covered about 2,000km or so (could be up to 2,500km on it to be honest given I did not have a trip meter at the start) - that's in 5 months (also have 2 other bikes as well so they got used in that time as well) but I have the T3 out in anything except really bad snow - not too worried about ice because I have not had issues with it that I could not deal with so far (I was on a world tour and covered Eastern Europe & Turkey in autumn & winter so used to bikes, balance, ice and what is needed due to plenty of practice!)

Very glad to here this.
Have you had chance to take it for a ride yet?
Nope - still sorting the other little bits out - pedals (not covered under warranty because they were not from Decathlon), toe straps and need to sort one of the clips for the mudgaurds. It broke when we put it in the car. should be out on it tomorrow, have to be out on it on Tuesday, but so far everthing looks OK and wheel spin freely and smoothly despite brakes being very tight (so know the wheels are true), and you can turn the pedals in any direction without the chain going loose which is a big improvement on before. Also want to get the bike really clean - picked up a lot of salt on Friday when it was on the road and was meant to have cleaned it yesterday but did not get chance.
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