Triban 3 Owners Club

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Snow on the ground and an aversion to broken collar bones so off into the shed to inspect T3's wheel cones. She only two weeks old and done twenty miles but having read so much about the lack of grease thought I'd take a look. So glad I did! I think the mechanic in the factory where it was built may have wiped an oily rag over the cones and left it at that! The amount of grease in the bearings was miniscule. Now packed with said slippery stuff I feel much happier. So as soon as the roads are safe again off we go to get to know each other.^_^
and watch your speeds increase no end... since I did mine, I have set nothing but fastest speeds constantly. now I just need to deal with the bottom bracket & freehub which is not doing what it is meant to in the cold... was out yesterday on mine 37 miles in total and despite the ice, cold & doing half of it in the dark, got 8 cups on strava, so something has improved even if it is not me!


That's a fair old trip in the conditions, you sure it's not secretly you improving a bit as well :scratch:?


nice bikes. cant wait to get back on mine. does everyone have the btwin red saddle bag?? I have:laugh: and I only have 1bottle cage and its a chrome elite one. these two gems have 2 cages? I wonder if I need another one on mine??

I dont have a saddle bag yet! :angry:
That's a fair old trip in the conditions, you sure it's not secretly you improving a bit as well :scratch:?
nah - most definitely not... me and improvement don't go hand in hand at 40 and my asthma is playing up something chronic at the moment!
but seriously both my OH & I have noticed a considerable improvement in times & ease since greasing the hubs... now to look at the BB... not going to enjoy that one but at least the bike has been indoors overnight so metal won't be too cold to the touch!:cold:


OK, I'll take your word for it :smile: - I found myself wondering what happened to my youth this week when out on my first really cold ride for at least a decade and it was only 15 miles (he says underplaying what was to me a good distance) - tendons in legs were aching, numb hands and feet at times, my back got cold, had to stop after the first minute to get the Buff sorted and positioned up over my head etc.; think some of it it was down to not quite getting the kit right, which is stupid as I've got loads of ski kit under layers I could have used; it was hard going for a while and took the enthusiasm out of it slightly but I gradually got into a rhythm after perhaps 25 minutes. I was starting straight out into a harsh N.N.Easterly on the A38 which didn't help at all but it wasn't so bad once I looped off into the back lanes and it all began to feel a lot better ... even fast at times ... I did a segment near me with real zeal and got back to home quick afterwards pushing hard all the way; then checked my GPS on the phone, only to find it'd given up as it was too cold for the battery :cold: .

Sounds like opening up those wheel hubs will be something booked in for my weekend as a priority.
I think people often overdress for the cold and then sweat too much and so get colder than they should.
I just apply my mountaineering skills to winter cycling and don't actually wear much at all...Last night, all I had on (here in cheshire) was my winter bib tights, (no leg warmers), woollen sock & soft leather hiking boots, a merino wool V neck top, waterproof top with vents half open), buff (covering neck & exposed V) and my winter/waterproof cycling gloves (plus sports bra being female). Chilly for the first 10 mins then fine, if anything a touch too warm for me because the small of my back was still damp when I got home.
(I will add I had a pannier with me which had 2 extra layers +skull cap in it if I had needed to stop for any unseen emergency - no point in getting hypothermia whilst fixing a flat tyre).
Hubs definitely seem to need some TLC - which I had done the same with the BB when I first got it, can't actually get the nut out of the wheel to be able to remove the crank arm right now, seems to have rusted in place, so going to have to call my LBS and get help on that front which is rather annoying.


New Member
Does anyone have any more information regarding triban 3 stock, or release of 2013 models? I should be in a position to purchase over the next few weeks and don't want to miss out on a bargain!
Hi, been thinking about getting one of these and after visiting the London Bike show it reinforced the value that this bike offers. Was bit worried about stock levels after reading some of the threads on here, so I braved the snow on Sunday and went up to Lakeside store. They told me they still have 5000 of this model in the UK and will phone me as soon as my size comes in.....I hope they are right!!!


Über Member
After some advice before I get a T3 and guess this is the best place to ask.

Im looking at a T3 or T5 as my first road bike to commute on. I understand that I will need to get a new set of wheels for the T3, does this count for the T5 aswell?

Secondly, the T5 comes with Soras and carbon seat stays, will this make a big difference when riding?

Thridly, the T5 has clipless already and as this is something i want would I be better off with the T5 or can I fit clipless to the T3 for a fair price?

Last but not least, and I stupid to try ride a road bike with clipless for the first time together? Should I be riding a road bike with normal pedals to start with?

Many Thanks,


Über Member
Hi, been thinking about getting one of these and after visiting the London Bike show it reinforced the value that this bike offers. Was bit worried about stock levels after reading some of the threads on here, so I braved the snow on Sunday and went up to Lakeside store. They told me they still have 5000 of this model in the UK and will phone me as soon as my size comes in.....I hope they are right!!!

The Southampton store just got a load in yesterday. So there are still some about :smile:


After some advice before I get a T3 and guess this is the best place to ask.

Im looking at a T3 or T5 as my first road bike to commute on. I understand that I will need to get a new set of wheels for the T3, does this count for the T5 aswell?
It has been said the wheels are the same on both bikes (needs confirmation); some members have issues with the wheels and some don't. You will likely need to learn how to trim them (you can learn how on YouTube), it appears the consensus is to keep an eye on them in terms of hub tightness and grease them up ASAP, as they may come from the factory in need of some TLC (again, learn how on YouTube) ... I personally will be looking to get say a 1000 - 2000 miles out of mine before upgrading.

Secondly, the T5 comes with Soras and carbon seat stays, will this make a big difference when riding?
Not really IMO.

Thridly, the T5 has clipless already and as this is something i want would I be better off with the T5 or can I fit clipless to the T3 for a fair price?
£200 difference on the bike prices perhaps shouldn't come down to pedals? You can read about the pedal topic in many threads on here and elsewhere, be mindful there is a difference between MTB style (MounTainBike) and road style pedals / shoes - both can be used, the debates re' practicalities / price / quality / stability / comfort / ease of walking in etc. will likely rage for another few millennia. A recent thread re' budget options here ... '

Last but not least, am I stupid to try ride a road bike with clipless for the first time together? Should I be riding a road bike with normal pedals to start with?
If you're going to jump on and off your bike a lot on a trip, or stop and start every 50 yards, or wear civvies to ride in, then clip-less make less sense; if not, then personally I can't see why everyone wouldn't use them ... but equally, they're not essential to get going with IMO.

Many Thanks,

My opinions added in brown text - other opinions will differ of course.
mal how did u get grease into the cone on the rear drive side ?
I just pulled the entire thing (axle) through, cleaned up and then very carefully added the bearings back in holding them in place with some grease before feeding the (whatever that part is called - bad day with my dyslexia sorry) back in carefully. i found that there was then enough movement in the bit above to feed the bearings in, 1 at a time and get them all in and greased without issue.... greasey hands time though...
having read so much about the lack of grease thought I'd take a look. So glad I did! I think the mechanic in the factory where it was built may have wiped an oily rag over the cones and left it at that! The amount of grease in the bearings was miniscule. Now packed with said slippery stuff I feel much happier. So as soon as the roads are safe again off we go to get to know each other.^_^
Was it as easy as people make it sound?

Might have a look at mine the weekend.
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