Triban 3 Owners Club

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Does anyone have any experience of the Triban 3 Junior ?

That was the reason I visited a store in France while over there; we checked it out for my lad - it's robust and sturdy, a bit heavy though and he's got a MTB which is of similar weight so all the chat from his dad re' road bikes being lighter and more refined was a bit tainted; decided it was not the solution for him for now although I'm sure it's a reasonable piece of kit. Hefty child road bikes appears to be a fairly common issue from my searches so far, unless you get into bigger bucks - would like to hear other opinions of course, as we will be resolving the choice for certain come spring.
Does anyone have any more information regarding triban 3 stock, or release of 2013 models? I should be in a position to purchase over the next few weeks and don't want to miss out on a bargain!


I thought 10.7kg was ok, maybe I am easily pleased!

Perhaps I was having a weak day - it didn't feel like 10.7kg (I should have checked before hand as I had it in my mind it was 12.7kg); I also picked up the FC7 just before it (8kg) so may have tainted my judgement - darn it, making me think I need to drive to Birmingham for another look now :biggrin: !


Let's hope it's a flyer then!:laugh:

... it would be if I styled them !!! :becool: !!!



Waheyy!!!! You might have a goer there Radchenister!!!!


I am far too modest to send it to Decathlon ... if the Triban 3.3 'UK Model' is to be the 'real deal' then I would ask them why not really go for it with just a few tweaks that are GB friendly? Optional pedal upgrades and a cool black paint job being simple starters - perhaps offer the extras in a simple package with a little discount for buying the extra bits in a lump (I put the standard pedals straight in a drawer, I can't be the only one who would do this, we all also appear to buy cages and computers etc. as well - reckon they could lump all this into an optional starter pack).

I'm sure the UK is a particularly receptive market to first timers with the new enthusiasm for road bikes at the mo' and also to this sort of styling. The graphics are a bit literal, as the blue carbon forks and rear frame decal might not be possible (well the forks anyway) but actually the blue bits aren't that essential and could be a bit more subtle ... from working it up on Photoshop and messing around with different colours, it's clear to me that the black is pretty cool deal on its own - however, to make it truly fit in as the UK Triban 3, just a little nod to Wiggo with the RAF Roundel after the Triban name is going to really sort it IMHO and is actually a French technique for displaying tri-colours with some mutual history, so it should be suitable for maintaining both countries balance of national pride - to quote someone (in)famous 'job done' ;) !

... or perhaps not ... what do you think?


Senior Member
Dover, Kemt
Snow on the ground and an aversion to broken collar bones so off into the shed to inspect T3's wheel cones. She only two weeks old and done twenty miles but having read so much about the lack of grease thought I'd take a look. So glad I did! I think the mechanic in the factory where it was built may have wiped an oily rag over the cones and left it at that! The amount of grease in the bearings was miniscule. Now packed with said slippery stuff I feel much happier. So as soon as the roads are safe again off we go to get to know each other.^_^
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